Showing 37–45 of 270 results
Criminal and Civil Background Check, India
Turn around time : 10 working days
Requirements :
For Companies:
1. Company’s Name
2. Company’s Address (Address, City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code)For Individual:
1. Subject’s Name (First and Last Name)
2. Location of Current Residence
3. Date of Birth
4. Subject’s Address (Address, City, and Zip/Postal Code)
5. End User’s Location (State/Province and Country)
6. Reason for Request* Requirements may change for a particular case in different zones
General Background Investigation, India
Turn around time : 5 – 10 working days
Requirements :
1. Company Name
2. Organization (Issuer of License)
3. License Type
4. License #
5. Tax ID #
6. License Status (Active/Inactive)* Requirements may change for a particular case in different zones
Special/Unusual Investigations, India
Turn around time : 5 – 10 working days
Requirements :
For Companies:
1. Company’s Name
2. Company’s Address (Address, City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code)For Individual:
1. Subject’s Name (First and Last Name)
2. Location of Current Residence
3. Date of Birth
4. Subject’s Address (Address, City, and Zip/Postal Code)
5. End User’s Location (State/Province and Country)
6. Reason for Request* Requirements may change for a particular case in different zones
Investigative Reports on previous companies (Candidata), India
Turn around time : 7 working days
Requirements :
For Companies:
1. Company’s Name
2. Company’s Address (Address, City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code)For Individual:
1. Subject’s Name (First and Last Name)
2. Location of Current Residence
3. Date of Birth
4. Subject’s Address (Address, City, and Zip/Postal Code)
5. End User’s Location (State/Province and Country)
6. Reason for Request* Requirements may change for a particular case in different zones
Known terrorist Official search, India
Turn around time : 2 working days
Requirements :
For Companies:
1. Company’s Name
2. Company’s Address (Address and City)For Individuals:
1. Subject’s Name (First and Last Name)
2. Location of Current Residence
3. Date of Birth
4. Subject’s Address (Address and City)
5. Reason for Request* Requirements may vary for a particular case and are subject to change without notification
Overseas research: Credit check, India
Turn around time : 5 – 10 working days
Requirements :
For Companies:
1. Company’s Name
2. Company’s Address (Address, City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code)For Individual:
1. Subject’s Name (First and Last Name)
2. Location of Current Residence
3. Date of Birth
4. Subject’s Address (Address, City, and Zip/Postal Code)
5. End User’s Location (State/Province and Country)
6. Reason for Request* Requirements may change for a particular case in different zones
Academic and employment referencing, India
Turn around time : 7 working days
Requirements :
1. Subject’s Name (First and Last Name)
2. Location of Current Residence
3. Date of Birth
4. Organization (Employer)
5. Organization’s Address (Address and City)
6. Organization’s Phone #
7. Last Title/Position Held
8. Department
9. End Date of Employment
10. Reason for Request* Requirements may vary for a particular case and are subject to change without notification
Internet Intelligent research, India
Turn around time : 2 working days
Requirements :
For Companies:
1. Company’s Name
2. Company’s Address (Address, City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code)For Individual:
1. Subject’s Name (First and Last Name)
2. Location of Current Residence
3. Date of Birth
4. Subject’s Address (Address, City, and Zip/Postal Code)
5. End User’s Location (State/Province and Country)
6. Reason for Request* Requirements may change for a particular case in different zones
Media intelligence search (Local), India
Turn around time : 2 working days
Requirements :
For Companies:
1. Company’s Name
2. Company’s Address (Address, City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code)For Individual:
1. Subject’s Name (First and Last Name)
2. Location of Current Residence
3. Date of Birth
4. Subject’s Address (Address, City, and Zip/Postal Code)
5. End User’s Location (State/Province and Country)
6. Reason for Request* Requirements may change for a particular case in different zones