Security Policy
We are ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
The Company’s information and data will be protected by use of the following measures:
- Ensuring appropriate destruction of Background Check Group data (cross cut shredding of paper documents and physical destruction of electronic media)
- Performing background due-diligence checks on employees handling data to help prevent the employment of individuals who have previous convictions such as drug offences, burglary, or fraud-related offenses
- Conducting awareness training for employees or contractors with access to Background Check Group data
- Establishing access controls for electronic access to Background Check Group data that:
- Ensure users only have access to data needed to perform their job function;
- Include user name and password authentication;
- Ensure access of users is revoked immediately upon termination of employee/contractor; and
- Log and monitor administrative access for inappropriate activities
- Requiring employees and contractors to maintain a “clean desk” ensuring any Background Check Group data is not conspicuously available in hardcopy or on removable media
- Implementing security technology controls such as firewalls, intrusion detection devices and anti-virus software, as appropriate
- Ensuring appropriate levels of protection of Background Check Group data as it is stored or transferred across public networks (e.g., encrypt data (utilizing 256 bit encryption technology) if transferred over public networks)
- Ensuring appropriate physical security controls where Background Check Group data is stored including door locks, monitoring of employee access to buildings and escorting of visitors.
- Establishing procedures to notify Back Check Group immediately of any potential breaches of Background Check Group data.
- Ensuring that laptop computers and other mobile devices containing Background Check Group data are protected by never leaving them unattended or unsecured
Evaluating any vendors providing Third Party Service Provider with services involving the handling of Back Check Group data to ensure the vendor has implemented adequate information and physical security controls.
Quality Policy
- To provide swift background screening and verification services, utilizing specialized human resource and affiliations.
- To meet and excel customers’ requirements and expectations.
- To enhance customer satisfaction level by providing them cost effective and timely delivery of services.
- To plan & acheive objectives related to our scope of work
- Comply with and continually improve the effectiveness of our quality managment system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015
- To Comply legal and regulatory requirements, neccessary for your scope of work.