Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
First, the Activity Stream can be used to send a message to all company employees or employees of a specific department or workgroup. This option is a bit informal and can be used in situations when someone has found a mobile phone in the cafeteria or is looking for the owner of a car with its lights turned on in the parking lot.
The second option is Announcements – which are a separate message type in the Activity Stream. Announcement posts are highlighted in the Stream, but also shown prominently in a separate ‘gadget’ in the upper right corner of the front page. Announcements disappear only when the individual user confirms that he or she has read it.
Polls can be created in Bitrix24 for items that require employee feedback prior to making final decision.
For instance, a poll can be created in order to determine how many employees plan to attend Christmas party or what which date, given a choice of a few, would be best for its planning. Polling can also be used to gauge employee satisfaction with specific work policies or for simple surveys (i.e. Please rate the IT helpdesk system).
External news and news feeds can be automatically imported into Bitrix24’s Activity Stream or into a news feed via RSS. This module comes with its own API and can be used to set up a feed for virtually any type of content with very little programming or customization.
External feeds can be set up for subsets of users or for the entire company.
Finally, there is a separate intranet section that stores information about your company, its history, mission statement, important memos, company calendar, photo gallery, contact details and other official company information centralized in a single place, making it easy to access by any employee when needed.