Background Check Group
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Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
Bitrix24 knowledge management system offers both formal and informal knowledge management tools. The eLearning module is used to create online training courses, conduct tests and certify users. It can be used both for internal purposes, employee training/grading and professional development, as well as external ones, like partner certifications or licensing. It’s worth noting that eLearning can be delivery from the extranet. Bitrix24’s eLearning module permits creation of an unlimited number of online training courses and tests, and can be used in corporate university settings as well. SCORM file export and import are supported.
If necessary, audio and video content can be inserted in course pages and within the test questions from the front-end without technical training required. The results achieved by an employee or partner in a course are registered and can be tracked in a journal. An attempts log (attempts directory) reflects the progress of trainees in passing the tests. Automatic test grading allows display of test results instantly on the web page after the test has been completed. For essay-type answers, manual grading is permitted.
Knowledge base capability in Bitrix24 isn’t limited by training courses or wikis; it can include things like an employee handbook, sales manual, internal policies and/or a FAQ section. In addition to a company-wide wiki, separate wikis can be created for each department or workgroup. Wikis in Bitrix24 are created with a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor. As usual, changes are immediately visible upon saving and new wiki content is immediately added to the wiki index by page name.
All wiki pages have comment and history sections that help keep track of changes to each entry. Comparisons can be made among versions and text can be rolled back to previous versions, whenever necessary.
Bitrix24 offers several options for idea management as well. With a built-in idea management tool, any employee can express an idea to improve operations and let colleagues evaluate the idea. All votes, whether 'yes' or 'no' (i.e. '+' or '-'), are counted and a rating is calculated from the voting. In addition to formal idea management, the Activity Stream with its likes, comments, badges, polls, and surveys or workgroup tools can be used for less formal ‘grassroots’ idea management purposes and collaboration.