Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
Bitrix24 is available in two interfaces – as a traditional corporate intranet /human resources information system (HRIS) or as social intranet/HR 2.0 solution. It’s entirely up to you which approach fits best for your company.
If you believe that making your HR and corporate intranet more social will increase productivity, all social options are included at no extra charge. The ‘Classic’ (SharePoint-like) interface provides moderates the social aspects and provides more flexibility in the interface appearance.
But that’s only one aspect of Bitrix24 flexibility.
Because we no longer live in the world where everyone is a full-time employee, Bitrix24 is created to help your HR department work with non-traditional personnel types as well – part time workers, temporary employees, contractors, freelancers, interns, trainees, volunteers, telecommuters, consultants, advisors and so forth with precise access and role assignment.
Extranet is another great tool that comes with Bitrix24. Extranet allows you to give limited and frequently temporary access to your corporate intranet to people who aren’t your employees but who have to interact and collaborate with them on certain projects.
For example, your marketing department may want include PPC consultant or branding agency into specific internal discussions. Extranet users have access only to workgroups where they are members; the rest of the corporate network is invisible and inaccessible to them.
Bitrix24 is also quite flexible when it comes to how you want to access your intranet – via web, desktop apps (available for PC and Mac) or from your smartphone or tablet (free apps for iOS and Android are available); so your road warriors and telecommuters are in tune with the home base seamlessly.