Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
When your employees log into Bitrix24 for the first time, they will instantly recognize the activity stream / social intranet interface, because it closely resembles Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other popular social networks they have likely been exposed to.
A series of short videos explain what productivity tools come with Bitrix24’s enterprise social network and how each of them works for each employee who is starting to use Bitrix24. Likes, mentions, following, sharing, messaging, comments, timelines and tags all use conventional social networking logic and have familiar looks.
While Bitrix24 does provide the option to use a traditional, ‘corporate intranet’ interface, the more contemporary social intranet template encourages more informal interactions and allows peer praise, badges and liking. Importantly, documents, comments, post, personal forums and photographs can all be liked.
By default, likes influence search results, as liked content is shown with priority in search results, making useful and popular content easier to find. Liking content also shows the opinions of coworkers and conveniently serves as an instant feedback mechanism, encouraging the flow of ideas.
Bitrix24 allows employees to follow conversations in different groups, selected employees or subscribe to updates of objects such as document libraries. Notifications are instantly delivered on the portal, via mobile, or desktop apps, and/or even as email alerts.
Such flexibility is especially helpful for large companies where hundreds of employees use corporate portal on a daily basis and important messages may be overlooked or ‘buried’ in the stream of incoming messages.
While most of tools that come with Bitrix24 enterprise social networks are work related (CRM, Project Management, Doc Management, Knowledge Management), Bitrix24 also allows creation of special interest user groups, for example, Humor, Parenting or Recipe Exchange, to strengthen employee engagement with the workplace community.
The Employee Birthdays widget is another tool that encourages informal interactions between employees, displaying upcoming birthdays.
Also, a Craigslist-like classified section can be inserted inside the intranet, if desired.