Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Email: [email protected]
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
We offer statewide a speedy, swift and handy service to check the criminal background of anyone in Virginia. Our service carries out a thorough search through databases for any possible criminal record encompassing from felony to forgery and from abduction to assault.
In 2014, Virginia's property crime rate (as measured per 100,000 population) was 1,930 -- yet another decline from the previous year (2,066). Virginia has remained well below the national property crime average for over a decade and ranks 8th lowest in the country.
According to data from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Research Center, Virginia's highest crime rates in 2014 were again in the Hampton Roads region, which saw rates of 2,756 property crimes (a 10-year low) and 309 violent crimes per 100,000 people. For all regions, property crime rates have generally dropped over the last 10 years; after years of generally steady decline, however, violent crime rates ticked up in 2014 for most regions.
Virginia's violent crime rate was 186 per 100,000 people in 2014. Again, this rate has steadily decreased since at least 2005, when the violent crime rate was 283. Virginia's 2014 rate is the 3rd lowest in the nation. Virginia is again a leader for low violent crime. In 2014, North Carolina saw a rate of 323, Tennessee was at 598, and Maryland posted a rate of 438.