Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Email: [email protected]
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
We offer statewide a speedy, swift and handy service to check the criminal background of anyone in Kansas. Our service carries out a thorough search through databases for any possible criminal record encompassing from felony to forgery and from abduction to assault.
Coffeyville: Residents in Coffeyville had a 1 in 16 chance of being the victim of a property crime. By this, we mean a robbery, most likely a victim of a home break in or car break in.
Wichita: If you live in Wichita, you have a 1 in 126 chance that you’ll be raped, attacked or killed. Not only is that really depressing, but for Kansas, that’s unacceptable. There were 15 murders here two years ago, which is actually way down from years in the past. Hutchinson: Residents had a 1 in 18 chance of being robbed according to the latest FBI numbers, which is actually down from the year prior.
Kansas City: If you live in Kansas City, you know which parts of town to avoid. And, we don’t have to tell you how dangerous the north and east ends of town can be. Kansas City saw 28 murders in 2013, but the number of violent crimes here is dropping quickly. So that’s a really positive sign that they’re cracking down on the thuggery.