Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Email: [email protected]
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
We offer statewide a speedy, swift and handy service to check the criminal background of anyone in Indiana. Our service carries out a thorough search through databases for any possible criminal record encompassing from felony to forgery and from abduction to assault.
The Indiana crime rate is lower than the national average crime rate, which is 26th.
In 2008 there were 223,994 crimes reported in Indiana, including 327 murders. In 2008, Indiana had 482 state and local law enforcement agencies. Those agencies employed a total of 19,940 staff. Of the total staff, 13,171 were sworn officers (defined as those with general arrest powers. In 2008, Indiana had 206 police officers per 100,000 residents. The study uses FBI homicide data to rank states according to their black homicide victimization rates.
According to the study, there were 213 black homicide victims in Indiana in 2013, or 34.15 victims per 100,000 people. In Indianapolis, the majority of homicide victims over the past several years have been black. The city also has struggled with a rising homicide rate since 2013. Last year, there were 144 such killings in the city, the most in its history.