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We are providing comprehensive background verification Services which are providing you a safeguard with risk management consultancy throughout the Turkey with strong network of professional, on-ground background screeners. We are rendering our compliance pertaining to our Services of checking the veracity of the information registered under various rules and regulations and these entities can record the authentic results of the background check.

Our ultimate goal is to find the facts behind the present proposal of association to take wise decision. We are providing you the background investigation Services in all over Turkey which is also including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Adana, Gaziantep, Konya, Antalya, Kayseri, Mersin, Eskisehir, Diyarbakir, Samsun, Denizli, Sanlıurfa, Adapazari, Malatya, Osmaniye, Antakya, Aydin, Iskenderun, Usak, Aksaray, Afyon, Isparta, Inegol, Tekirdag, Edirne, Darica, Ordu, Karaman, Golcuk, Siirt, Korfez, Kiziltepe etc. Kindly contact us on our email: to generate your query and we will revert you in stipulated time accordingly. Due to the sensitive nature of the Services all queries will dealt under strict confidentiality and under the influence of extreme ethical consideration.


GDP USD800bn (World ranking 18, World Bank 2014)
Population 75.8 million (World ranking 18, World Bank 2014)
Form of state Republican Parliamentary Democracy
Head of government PM Ahmet DAVUTOGLU (AKP)
Next elections November 2015, legislative




*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country


Data Protection



Contribution Details

Burak Özdağıstanli


İrem Cansu Atikcan



Currently, there is no specific law in Turkey regarding personal data protection. Data protection is governed by the general provisions of a number of laws and regulations.

There has been a Draft Law on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Processing of Personal Data (“Draft Law”) pending before the Turkish Parliament, which is reformulated over the last months of 2012. The Draft Law regulates rules and procedures relating to protection and processing of personal data and has been prepared in light of European Union Directive 95/46/EC and the Commission’s Decision 2001/497/EC.

On 12 September 2010, a referendum was held on a reform package which introduced amendments to the last Turkish Republic Constitution adopted in 1980. As a result of the amendment, the right to protection of personal rights and privacy set forth in Article 20 of the Constitution has been bolstered, increasing the scope of accountability and introducing more stringent requirements for protection of personal data. It is anticipated that the Draft Law shall be enacted in the very near future to reflect changes made to the Turkish Constitution.

Most recently on 24 July 2012 Regulation on Protection of Personal Data in Electronic Communications Sector was published. This Regulation stipulates sector specific requirements for operators.

Definition of Personal Data

In the absence of a specific law on data protection there is no exact definition for “personal data” however there are some regulations and laws that have defined personal data within their specific context.

The most relevant source is the Regulation on Protection of Personal Data in Electronic

Communications Sector which deals with personal data processed in hard copy and automated fashion, this Regulation defines personal data as any information regarding a known or identifiable natural or legal person.

Definition of Sensitive Personal Data

Although there is no explicit definition of sensitive data, the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237 imposes penalties on any person who records the political, philosophical or religious concepts

of individuals, or without legitimate reason personal information relating to their racial origins,

ethical tendencies, health conditions or connections with syndicates.

Definition of Personal Data

The Draft Law defines personal data as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural and legal person.

Definition of Sensitive Personal Data

The Draft Law defines sensitive personal data as personal data revealing race, political opinions, philosophical beliefs, religion, sect or other beliefs, foundation or union membership, and the processing of data concerning health or private life and all kinds of convictions.

National Data Protection Authority

Currently there is no independent body governing data protection in Turkey.

In accordance with the Draft Law an independent authority will be established to monitor data processing and ensure compliance, namely, the Personal Data Authority (“Authority”). The Authority shall enforce application of the law, monitor data processing and ensure compliance.


Currently there is no requirement for registration.

The Draft Law stipulates that the Authority shall keep a Personal Data Registry, natural and legal persons will be required to register prior to commencing any data processing activities unless an exemption applies.

Data Protection officers

There is no requirement in Turkey to appoint a data protection officer.

Neither, under the Draft Law is there any requirement to appoint a data protection officer.

Collection and Processing

Article 20 of the Constitution states that everyone has the right to ask for protection of his/ her personal information; and such right includes the right to be informed of personal data pertaining to such person, the right to access, delete and/or correct such data and the right to find out whether the data is being used in accordance with the purpose for which it was collected.

The provision also stipulates that personal data can only be processed for reasons stated in the law or with explicit consent of the data subject.

Data protection is enforced through general provisions laid down in a number of laws and regulations. In this regard, each situation needs to be evaluated individually as it may be subject to provisions of an applicable specific law, if any.

In general terms, the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237 contains provisions regulating collecting and processing of personal data and imposes penalties for acquiring and unlawful recording of personal data.

Furthermore, the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237 stipulates that upon expiry of the time period specified by law to retain data, such data must be deleted or destroyed.

The Draft Law stipulates personal data can only be processed in accordance with the Draft Law and other laws and sets forth personal data may be collected and processed if:

  • processed fairly and lawfully;
  • collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes.
  • adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected
  • and/or processed;
  • accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; or
  • kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or for which they are further processed.
  • Personal data may be processed only if:
  • the data subject has given his explicit consent;
  • processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is
  • subject;
  • processing is necessary in order to protect the life or physical integrity of the data subject or
  • another where the data subject is incapable of giving his consent;
  • processing is necessary for the execution or performance of a contract to which the data subject is party;
  • processing of data that has been disclosed/published by the data subject or is available in the
  • public domain; or
  • processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by the third party or parties to whom the data are disclosed, except where such interests are overridden by the interests for fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.
  • As part of the collection of data from the data subject the controller is obliged to provide the data subject with the following information:
  • the identity of the controller and of his representative, if any;
  • the purposes of the processing for which the data is intended;
  • the recipients of the data;
  • the process of collecting data, the legal grounds and probable effects;
  • the existence of the right of access data collected; and
  • the right to rectify the data concerning the data subject.

Where the data has not been obtained from the data subject, the controller shall provide the data subject with the above stated information as well as details of the categories of data concerned.

Processing of sensitive personal data revealing race, political opinions, philosophical beliefs, religion, sect or other beliefs, foundation or union membership, and the processing of data concerning health or private life and all kinds of convictions is forbidden.

Sensitive personal data may be processed under a number of circumstances defined under the Draft Law provided precautions/safeguards are taken to protect the family and private life.


Broadly speaking, the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237, contains provisions regarding unlawful transmission or obtaining of personal data. Nonetheless, each situation should be evaluated as it may be subject to provisions of an applicable specific law.

In accordance with the Draft Law approval of the Authority is required for transfer of personal data and personal data may only be transferred to a third country if; the recipient country ensures an adequate level of protection, if there is no such protection in the recipient foreign country, the data transfer may be permitted in a number of situations listed under the Draft Law.


Consistent with the principles of good faith those entrusted with personal data are expected to ensure protection of such data. There are a number of specific laws which require data to be kept safely and ensure protection of any data collected and/or processed.

Under the Draft Law, the controller is required to ensure that appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken to prevent all illegal processing and to ensure the data is not destroyed, lost, amended, disclosed or transferred without authority. Such measures must ensure an appropriate level of security, taking into account the state of the art and the costs of their implementation in relation to the risks inherent in the processing and the nature of the data to be protected.

In the event the controller carries out processing by way of a processor, such relationship must be governed by a contract or legal act binding the processor to the controller and such instrument shall stipulate that the processer has adequate technological and administrative precautionary measures in place.

Breach notification

There is no breach notification requirement; nonetheless, in the event that data is inadvertently or erroneous lost, transferred, destroyed etc., notification should be made to the data subjects in accordance with the principles of good faith. Furthermore, each situation should be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the applicable specific law, if any, as more strict procedures may apply.

The Draft Law does not currently stipulate any breach notification requirement; however, this may change before the law is enacted.


In general terms, the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237 imposes custodial sentences for unlawful processing of data; the Turkish Civil Law No. 4721 affords the right to claim compensation for the unjust use of data and a number of other laws impose administrative fines.

The Draft Law also introduces imprisonment, penalties and administrative fines for collecting and processing personal data in breach of the law and disclosing it illegally to third parties. Acts that breach the Draft Law can result in administrative fines in the amount of 5,000 TL (approximately EUR 2,500) to 10,000 TL (approximately EUR 5,000) to be imposed by the Authority.

Electronic Marketing

There is another Draft Law on E-Commerce pending before the Parliament which would require service providers to provide protection for personal data.

Online Privacy (Including cookies and Location Data)

There is no specific law on online privacy with specific provisions on Cookies and Location Data. However, Law No. 5651 on Regulating Broadcasting in the Internet and Fighting Against Crimes Committed through Internet Broadcasting enables internet users to initiate prosecution in case of infringements of their personal rights.

Article 1 the statement “paragraph three of article 211 and 213” has been added after the statement “of this Law” in the first paragraph of article 4 of Turkish Criminal Code Law No: 765 dated March 1, 1926 and the second paragraph has been amended as follows.

As the request of Minister of Justice, they shall be judged in Turkey once again whether a decision imposed in a foreign country about them. However, if the act is on forgery of foreign money or implementation of third paragraph of article 211 and article 213 then there shall not be a prosecution in Turkey if a decision imposed in a foreign country.

Article 2 the below paragraph has been added to the to the article 211 of Turkish Criminal Code as the third paragraph.

The offering or the promising or the giving of the benefits directly or indirectly specified in the first paragraph to the officials whether appointed or elected and carrying out a legislative, administrative or judicial function in a foreign country or exercising a public function in the international business transactions for whether obtaining or retaining the business or taking improper advantage or keeping them

Shall be regarded as bribery.

Article 3 the abolished article 220 of Turkish Criminal Code has been regulated again as stated below.

Article 220-lf the bribery offences in this section committed by authorized representatives of corporate bodies besides they are punished, the corporate body shall also be punished by heavy fine from two to three times of the benefit derived from crime.

Article 4 the fourth paragraph of article 85 of Public Procurement Law dated September 8, 1983 with the number 2886 has been amended as stated below.

By committing the bribery offence in the third section of the third chapter of the second book of Turkish Criminal Code and the crimes in the articles 339, 340 and 342, the ones whom the recurrence provisions imposed for the crimes in the scope of this Law shall be prohibited to perform their career and being a contractor under any little.

Article 5 The statement “from 211 to 220” has been added after number “192,” to the 6 the subparagraph of paragraph (a) of Article 2 of The Law On Prevention Of Money Laundering And Amendments To The Law No: 2313 Regarding The Control Of Narcotic Drugs, Law No: 657 Regarding State Personnel And Decree Law No: 178 Regarding Establishment And Functions Of The Ministry Of Finance.

Article 6 This Act shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

Article 7 The Council of Ministers shall execute the provisions of this Act.

Passed On 26.09.2004 (Official Gazette No. 25611 dated 12.10.2004)


ARTICLE 252- (1) any public officers who take bribe is punished with imprisonment from four years to twelve years. The person offering bribe is punished likewise the public officer. In case the parties negotiate on a bribe, they are punished as if the offense is completed.

(2) In case the person who takes bribe or negotiates on a bribe happens to be judge, arbitrator, expert, notary public or sworn financial adviser, the punishment to be imposed according to first subsection is increased up to one third.

(3) Bribe is defined as a benefit illegally secured by a public officer in negotiation with a person to perform or not to perform a task beyond his responsibility.

(4) The provisions of first subsection are applicable also for the person who involve in bribery while establishing legal relation, or progressing the existing legal relation with the professional organizations in the statute of public institution, public institutions and corporations, or companies incorporated with the participation of professional organizations in the statute of public institution, foundations operating within their body, or associations and cooperatives serving for public interest, or joint stock companies open to public.

(5) Directly or indirectly offering of benefits or giving promise to the officers or personnel of the public institutions or corporations appointed in a foreign company to perform a legislative or administrative duty, or to those engaged in international duties in the same country, in order to enable execution of an international trading transaction, or to perform or not to perform a task, or to secure and to retain unjust benefit, is considered bribery.

Article 76. Every Turk over the age of 30 is eligible to be a deputy.
Persons who have not completed their primary education, who have been deprived of legal capacity, who have failed to perform compulsory military service, who are banned from public service, who have been sentenced to a prison term totaling one year or more excluding involuntary offences, or to a heavy imprisonment; those who have been convicted for dishonorable offences such as embezzlement, corruption, bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, breach of trust, fraudulent bankruptcy; and persons convicted of smuggling, conspiracy in official bidding or purchasing, of offences related to the disclosure of state secrets, of involvement in acts of terrorism, or incitement and encouragement of such activities, shall not be elected deputies, even if they have been pardoned.
Judges and prosecutors, members of the higher judicial organs, members of the teaching staff at institutions of higher education, members of the Higher Education Council, employees of public institutions and agencies who have the status of civil servants, other public employees not regarded as laborers on account of the duties they perform, and members of the Armed Forces shall not stand for election or be eligible to be a deputy unless they resign from office.

Turkey – Know Your Customer (KYC) Rules

Turkey is an important regional financial center, particularly for Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as for the Middle East and Eastern Europe. It continues to be a major transit route for Southwest Asian opiates moving to Europe. However, narcotics trafficking is only one source of the funds laundered in Turkey. Other significant sources include invoice fraud and tax evasion, and to a lesser extent, smuggling, counterfeit goods, and forgery. Terrorist financing and terrorist organizations with suspected involvement in narcotics trafficking and other illicit activities are also present in Turkey.

Money laundering takes place in banks, non-bank financial institutions, and the underground economy. Informed observers estimate as much as half of the economic activity is derived from unregistered businesses. Money laundering methods in Turkey include: the large-scale cross-border smuggling of currency; bank transfers into and out of the country; trade fraud; and the purchase of high-value items such as real estate, gold, and luxury automobiles. Turkish-based traffickers transfer money and sometimes gold via couriers, the underground banking system, and bank transfers to pay narcotics suppliers in Pakistan or Afghanistan. Funds are often transferred to accounts in the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, and other Middle Eastern countries.

In June 2011, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) added Turkey to its list of “Jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not made sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies.” As such, FATF called on its members to consider the risks arising from the deficiencies associated with Turkey‘s anti-money laundering/counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) enforcement and implementation when conducting business within the country. Turkey was included in the FATF Public Statement for failure to adequately criminalize terrorist financing and implement an adequate legal framework to identify and freeze terrorist assets. The FATF action does not call for any countermeasures against Turkey as a result of its status.


Enhanced due diligence procedures for PEPs:

A PEP is an abbreviation for Politically Exposed Person, a term that describes a person who has been entrusted with a prominent public function, or an individual who is closely related to such a person. The terms PEP, Politically Exposed Person and Senior Foreign Political Figure are often used interchangeably

    • Foreign PEP: NO
    • Domestic PEP: NO

Turkey – KYC covered entities

The following is a list of Know Your Customer entities covered by Turkish Law:

    • Banks, the Central Bank, post office banks, and money exchanges
    • Issuers of payment and credit cards
    • Lending, financial leasing, custody, settlement, and factoring companies
    • Securities brokers, investment partnerships, and fund and asset managers
    • Insurance, reinsurance and pension companies, and insurance and reinsurance brokers
    • Islamic financial houses
    • Directorate General of the Turkish Mint and precious metals exchange intermediaries
    • Auctioneers, and dealers of precious metals, stones, jewelry, all types of transportation vehicles, art and antiquities
    • Lawyers, accountants, auditors, and notaries
    • Sports clubs
    • Lottery and betting operators
    • Post and cargo companies

Turkey – Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR) Requirements:

Number of STRs received and time frame: 6,500 from January – October 2011

Number of CTRs received and time frame: Not applicable

The following is a list of STR covered entities covered by Turkish Law:

    • Banks, the Central Bank, post office banks, and money exchanges
    • Issuers of payment and credit cards
    • Lending, financial leasing, custody, settlement, and factoring companies
    • Securities brokers, investment partnerships, and fund and asset managers
    • Insurance, reinsurance and pension companies, and insurance and reinsurance brokers
    • Islamic financial houses
    • Directorate General of the Turkish Mint and precious metals exchange intermediaries
    • Auctioneers, and dealers of precious metals, stones, jewelry, all types of transportation vehicles, art and antiquities
    • Lawyers, accountants, auditors, and notaries
    • Sports clubs
    • Lottery and betting operators
    • Post and cargo companies


Prosecutions: 15 in 2009
Convictions: Three in 2009

MASAK no longer keeps statistics on prosecutions and convictions (2009 was the last year it maintained these statistics).


MASAK, the Financial Crimes Investigation Board, Turkey‘s financial intelligence unit, receives, analyzes, and refers STRs for investigation. In 2010, 354 individuals were referred to the public prosecutor‘s office as a result of MASAK investigations into terrorism finance.

For the past year, a draft terrorism finance law has been under consideration by the Turkish Parliament and is scheduled to be discussed by the Parliament‘s Internal Affairs Commission in late November 2011. It is not, however, clear when or if the draft would reach the General Assembly. Concerns remain, that the draft does not sufficiently address the above enumerated deficiencies outlined by the FATF. Turkey should insure any new legislation meets the FATF standards.

The non-profit sector is vulnerable to terrorist financing. Turkey‘s investigative powers, law enforcement capability, and supervisory oversight are weak and lacking in all the necessary tools and expertise to effectively counter this threat through a comprehensive approach; all these areas need to be strengthened. The nonprofit sector is not audited on a regular basis for terrorist finance vulnerabilities and does not receive adequate AML/CFT outreach or guidance from the authorities. The General Director of Foundations issues licenses for charitable foundations and oversees them. However, there are a limited number of auditors to cover more than 70,000 institutions.

Police Background Check Procedures

Who can apply?

•  Non/Citizens and non-residents can apply.
•  Authorised third party representatives (close friends and relatives can apply, with the power ofattorney.
•  Prospective UK employers can apply through the Turkish Consulate, with subject’s written consent.


•  Local applicants must apply in person at their local office of director of public prosecutions or the General Directorate of Judicial Records in Ankara.
•  Overseas applicants are advised to apply through the Turkish Consulate in London.

What must the applicant supply?

Local applicants must supply:
•  Signed disclosure form (available at office)
•  Indicate purpose of request
•  Passport or Turkish Identity Card (Nüfus Cüzdani)
•  Power of attorney/written consent (third party applicants only)

Overseas applicants must supply:

•  Completed application form(provided below)
•  Copy of passport
•  Stamped addressed envelope
•  Postage fee of GBP £6.00 or postal order made payable to the Turkish Consulate
•  Turkish ID card/ citizenship number (T.C. Kimlik Numerasi) An appointment must be arranged with the Notary Sect ion of the Consulate General online
(Turkish only)

What are the costs / turnaround times?

Local applicants:
•  Fee of TRY5 (approx. GBP £2.20); payable in cash.
•  Instant turnaround at offices.

Overseas applicants:

•  Fee of £6 payable by postal order to “Turkish Consulate General”
•  For incorporated translation from Turkish, the applicant must include a written request for theservice, as well as a photocopy of their Turkish ID card (if applicable), a self-addressed envelope, and an additional postal order for £9
•  Turnaround can be up to 6 to 8 weeks

Contact Details

Local applicants form:
Ministry of Justice, Department of Judicial Records and Statistics
Tuna Caddesi, No:1006100 Yenishehir
Tel: (+903)12 43
1 6120
Fax: (+903)12 435 7156
Website: and English)
For further information:
(Turkish only)
Overseas applicants form:
(Turkish andEnglish)
Applications should be sent to:
Turkish Consulate General
Rutland Lodge Rutland Gardens
London SW7 1BW,
United Kingdom
Tel: (+44) 020 7591 6900
Fax: (+44) 020 75 91 6911

Further information: (English)

What does the certificate look like?

•  Certificates available in Turkish, English, German or French.


Sovereign risk

The public finances are in good shape. The central government deficit/GDP ratio remained broadly stable at 1.3% in 2014 and the debt/GDP ratio has fallen to about 35% of GDP. The Economist Intelligence Unit expects fiscal policy to be kept fairly tight, despite the general election due in mid-2015, chiefly out of concern for the still large current‘account deficit.

Banking sector risk

The banking sector has high levels of capital reserves and low levels of non‘performing loans. A weaker lira will raise external debt-servicing costs. The authorities’ efforts to slow consumer credit growth may hit profits.

Political risk

The election of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who had been prime minister since early 2003, as Turkey’s first directly elected president in August 2014 has shifted power from the government and parliament to the presidency, which is constitutionally supposed to be above the political fray. The outcome of the general election on June 7th is uncertain. There is a greater possibility than in the previous two elections of a return to unstable coalition politics.

Economic structure risk

The economy is heavily dependent on foreign-capital inflows for growth. These are predominantly volatile short-term inflows, as foreign direct investment remains low. The income tax base is narrow, owing to widespread evasion.

Travel Risk


The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The Government of Canada takes the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provides credible and timely information in its Travel Advice. In the event of a crisis situation that requires evacuation, the Government of Canada’s policy is to provide safe transportation to the closest safe location. The Government of Canada will assist you in leaving a country or a region as a last resort, when all means of commercial or personal transportation have been exhausted. This service is provided on a cost-recovery basis. Onward travel is at your personal expense. Situations vary from one location to another, and there may be constraints on government resources that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide assistance, particularly in countries or regions where the potential for violent conflict or political instability is high.

Border with Syria (see Advisory)

Since mid-2013, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has made substantial military gains in Syria along the Turkish border. As a result, extremist groups, including ISIL, are now targeting border crossings and other locations in Syria close to the Turkish border. These attacks are indiscriminate, often result in deaths and injuries and spill over into Turkey. Exercise extreme caution, review your security measures regularly and monitor these events very closely, as the security situation remains unpredictable.

Southeast region

The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) carry out occasional air and ground strikes against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) targets in the Turkish-Iraqi border area. TAF have established six temporary security zones in Hakkari, Siirt and Sirnak provinces, in which they strictly monitor and limit movement to prevent insurgent infiltration.

Protests and civil unrest in several southeastern cities have led to violent clashes between police and protesters, with gunfire and small-scale bomb explosions that have resulted in deaths. Other incidents have also caused injuries and property damage.

There is a risk, particularly to foreigners, of kidnapping in the area. Maintain a high level of vigilance at all times.

Avoid overland travel. If you must undertake road travel, drive during the day and stay on major roads. Do not use public transportation.

Avoid crossing the border with Iraq. The Government of Turkey tightly controls border traffic between the two countries.


On September 21, 2014, ISIL released a statement threatening retaliation for the American-led coalition campaign against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. The statement encouraged opportunistic and indiscriminate attacks against citizens and interests of countries supporting the coalition, including Canadians. Individuals and terrorist groups in the region may be inspired to carry out attacks in a show of solidarity with ISIL. Canadians could also be targeted by a terrorist attack and be considered prime kidnapping targets. Exercise a high degree of personal security awareness at all times, maintain a heightened level of vigilance and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

There is a significant terrorist threat from domestic and international terrorist groups throughout Turkey. There are regular reports by local media of planned attacks against such targets as Syrian opposition officials in Ankara, Antakya (Hatay), Gaziantep and Istanbul.

Large- and small-scale bomb attacks have occurred. While Turkish institutions are usually the targets, terrorists also target locations frequented by foreigners. On February 1, 2013, a suicide attack on the United States embassy in Ankara left two dead. On March 1, 2012, a remote-controlled explosive device was detonated near the Justice and Development Party building in Istanbul’s Sutluce district, injuring 15 police officers and one civilian.

Heightened security measures are in place throughout the country. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, particularly around security and military installations and areas with high pedestrian traffic, including hotels, shopping malls and open air bazaars. Exercise caution in commercial establishments, public places and other areas where large numbers of people, particularly foreigners, may congregate.


There is a threat of kidnapping along the borders with Syria and Iraq, where Muslim extremist groups take advantage of porous borders and an unpredictable security situation to carry out operations. Groups such as ISIL and Jabat Al Nusra, who use kidnapping as a means of raising funds, may target the local population, foreigners and even foreign aid workers for kidnapping for ransom.


Avoid all demonstrations, particularly those in Taksim Square in Istanbul, as even peaceful gatherings may lead to violent incidents and clashes with security forces, which have used water cannons and tear gas to disperse crowds. Follow the advice of local authorities and monitor local and international media.

There is a higher risk of clashes between protesters and police on days of national significance, particularly on May Day, held annually on May 1.


Petty crime, including pickpocketing and purse snatching, occurs, particularly in Istanbul. Avoid showing signs of affluence and ensure that personal belongings and passports and other travel documents are secure at all times.

Muggings, assaults and sexual assaults occur. Drugs may be administered through drinks, food, chewing gum or other means, and drugged victims are usually robbed. Do not accept food and drinks from strangers, even if the wrapping or container appears intact.

Do not frequent down-market bars and neighbourhoods. One scam, particularly common in Istanbul, involves locals inviting tourists to bars for food and drinks and then forcing them to pay a steep bill.

Do not accept letters, parcels or other items from strangers. Drug traffickers sometimes attempt to convince foreigners to deliver packages and messages into and out of Turkey.

Women’s safety

Women may experience physical and verbal harassment. There is a greater risk of sexual assault during the summer holiday period in coastal resort areas. See Her Own Way: A Woman’s Safe-Travel Guide for travel safety information for Canadian women.

Road travel

Turkey has a modern road network that is constantly being improved; however, uneven surfaces and poorly marked lane changes near construction zones are common. Exercise caution, especially when driving in the rain. Severe weather conditions may seriously affect road conditions.

Accidents are common. Reckless driving, perilous road conditions, inadequate lighting, poor signage and high traffic congestion pose hazards. Avoid driving after dark.

If you are involved in an accident with a vehicle, do not move your vehicle, regardless of whether or not you are blocking traffic or anyone is injured. Wait until the police have made an official report.

Pedestrians do not have the right of way.

Consult the General Directorate of Highways for more information on road travel in Turkey.

Rail travel

Turkey is modernizing its main railroads and has introduced a high-speed corridor between Istanbul and Ankara.

Air travel

See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.

Mount Ararat

Mount Ararat, in the eastern province of Igdir, is a special military zone. Mountain climbing is permitted only with official permission, and if accompanied by a professional guide. There is a threat of kidnapping in this area.

General safety information

Leave your passport in a safe place and carry a photocopy for identification purposes, as police may erect checkpoints without warning, particularly in southern Turkey.

There are numerous stray dogs and cats in Istanbul, Ankara and other cities. Dogs often travel together in packs and attack pedestrians and joggers.

Emergency services

Dial 155 for police (or 154 if you are in a rural area), 112 for an ambulance and 110 for firefighters.

Address Format



Alemdag Cad. Yanyol Sok. No 6-8


Calendar GMT Reference Actual Previous Consensus Forecast
2014-09-10 08:00 AM Q2 2.1% 4.7% (R) 2.8% 2.5%
2014-12-10 08:00 AM Q3 1.7% 2.2% (R) 3% 3.5%
2015-03-31 08:00 AM Q4 2.6% 1.9% (R) 2% 1.85%
2015-06-10 08:00 AM Q1 2.6% 1.13%
2015-09-10 08:00 AM Q2 1.88%
2015-12-10 08:00 AM Q3 1.77%
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