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We are providing comprehensive background verification Services which are providing you a safeguard with risk management consultancy throughout the Timor with strong network of professional, on-ground background screeners. We are rendering our compliance pertaining to our Services of checking the veracity of the information registered under various rules and regulations and these entities can record the authentic results of the background check.

Our ultimate goal is to find the facts behind the present proposal of association to take wise decision. We are providing you the background investigation Services in all over East Timor which is also including Dili, Gunung Dilarini, Ritutu etc. Kindly contact us on our email: to generate your query and we will revert you in stipulated time accordingly.

Due to the sensitive nature of the Services all queries will dealt under strict confidentiality and under the influence of extreme ethical consideration.


*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country


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Submission to RDTL National Parliament Commissions A and C

From Leo’s Hamates, 11 February 2009

1. A Commission requires more than one person. We believe that having only one Commissioner, with deputies who serve at his direction and pleasure, undercuts the strength, effectiveness and accountability of the ACC. It would be better to have, for example, five Commissioners, appointed by diverse authorities, and then have them elect a President.

2. Prevention is a prerequisite to accountability. Before this Commission is created, there must be legally‐established, government‐wide rules and policies to prevent corruption. These should establish transparency, accountability and checks and balances; define and prohibit conflicts of interest, soliciting, receiving or accepting bribes; require open and public tender processes; and protect journalists, sources and whistleblowers.

3. The Prosecutor must continue what ACC starts. Since the ACC’s only outlet for its findings is through the Public Prosecutor, the Prosecutor should be required to act within a specified time on cases presented by the ACC and to report back to the ACC on the results of its actions.

4. Citizens should be encouraged to bring information to the ACC, which should initiate cases if people provide compelling evidence. These voluntary sources, especially public servants, should be protected against retaliation, and the ACC should report back to them about the results of its investigations. In addition, since the ACC fulfills an important public trust, it should periodically publish reports on its activities.

5. The Proved or should be allowed to continue its work against corruption, although this work will have to be coordinated with the ACC. Furthermore, there should be a transition period to allow the ACC to become established before curtailing other anti‐corruption activities.

Section 34 strips the office of the Proved or of its powers to investigate corruption. As a result, the only avenue to punish corruption passes through just two individuals (the Anti‐Corruption Commissioner and the Prosecutor‐General), either of whom can subvert the process. Timor‐Lester will be stronger if multiple institutions have the mandate to monitor and work against corruption, provided they cooperate to avoid duplicating work on specific cases. This is already covered by Article 33 of the Proved or statute, and a similar article should be included in the ACC law.

Section 35 cancels the anti‐corruption mandates of other institutions immediately upon promulgation of this law. Although we believe this would be a mistake at any time (see previous paragraph), it is even more grievous if done instantly. After the ACC law is promulgated, it will take several months to appoint the Commissioner(s), establish internal regulations and procedures, set up an office, hire and train staff, develop relations with other bodies, etc.

Travel Risk


The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The purpose of this Travel Advice is to provide up-to-date information to enable you to make well-informed decisions.

Civil unrest and


Outbreaks of civil unrest have occurred in 2006 and 2008. Although the situation is currently generally calm, political tensions remain and violent episodes could occur with little notice.

Avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings, and stay away from areas where they might occur. Protests can turn violent without warning and a gathering, regardless of its size, may become a target for a terrorist threat or attack. Demonstrations are likely to occur in the vicinity of government buildings, institutions or residences. Violence can occur during significant political events, such as presidential or parliamentary elections. Be particularly cautious in the periods leading up to, during and following these types of events.

Violence and demonstrations may affect transportation routes and land border crossings, as well as flights in and out of Dili’s airport. Disturbances have occurred in the vicinity of Dili’s Comoro airport, areas surrounding the camps of internally displaced persons and at food storage warehouses.


Gang-related violence, arson, robbery and vandalism occur, especially in Dili. Gangs in Dili have attacked cars with stones and darts fired from slingshots, particularly during the early evening hours and at night. Avoid armed non-government groups, including martial arts groups, throughout the country.

Petty crime such as mugging, pickpocketing and purse snatching also occurs, and foreigners are frequently targeted by thieves. Do not show signs of affluence, remain vigilant and ensure that your personal belongings, passports and all other travel documents are secure.

Women’s safety

Sexual harassment and violence against women occur. Consult our publication entitled Her Own Way: A Woman’s Safe-Travel Guide for travel safety information specifically aimed at Canadian women.


Do not travel alone, especially after dark or in secluded areas. Avoid unnecessary local travel. Local taxis should not be used. Public transportation services do not meet international safety standards.

See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.

Traffic drives on the left. Driving conditions can be hazardous. Roads are poorly maintained, lack adequate lighting, and those outside of Dili are often unpaved. Serious accidents are frequent and travelling by road at night should be avoided. Frequent roadblocks occur. All motor vehicles must be registered with the Motor Vehicle Office.

General safety information

Facilities and services such as hotels, restaurants and public transportation are available in Dili but are very limited or non-existent elsewhere on the island. International calls are possible only from Dili and several districts close to the capital. Internet access and mobile telephone coverage is available in Dili but is limited elsewhere. Government services are also limited.

Exercise extreme caution at bars and nightclubs as altercations between groups may occur at a variety of venues.

Unexploded ordnance is regularly found in open areas outside Dili. Be careful when trekking in rural areas.

Military operations may take place at any time throughout the country. Remain vigilant at all times. If you encounter a military operation, leave the area immediately. Follow the advice of local authorities and maintain a high level of personal security awareness.

You are encouraged to register with the Embassy of Australia in Dili in order to receive the latest information on situations and events that could affect your safety.


Pirate attacks occur in coastal waters and, in some cases, farther out at sea. Mariners should take appropriate precautions. For additional information, consult the Live Piracy Report published by the International Maritime Bureau.

Emergency services

Dial 112 or +670 723 0365. You may also call these numbers for information on the current security situation.


East Timor GDP Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
GDP 1.62 1.36 1.62 0.35 USD Billion
GDP Annual Growth Rate 8.00 8.20 16.30 -6.70 percent
GDP per capita 816.17 690.83 816.17 433.65 USD
GDP per capita PPP 2170.50 2058.81 2170.50 1163.62 USD
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