GDP USD14.16bn (World ranking 118, World Bank 2012)
Population 13.73 million (World ranking 70, World Bank 2012)
Form of state Republic
Head of government Macky SALL
Next elections 2019, presidential




*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country


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(CHAPTER IV Crimes and offenses against public peace, Paragrahe 3 of the penal code of Senegal, which released on July 21, 1965, regulates the Corruption of public officials and employees of private enterprises.)

Paragraphe III

De la corruption des fonctionnaires publics et des employés des entreprises privées

Article 159

Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de deux à dix ans et d’une amende double de la valeur des promesses agréées ou des choses reçus ou demandées, sans que ladite amende puisse être inférieure à 150.000 francs, quiconque aura sollicité ou agrée des offres ou promesses, sollicité ou reçu des dons ou presents pour:

1) Etant investi d’un mandat électif, fonctionnaire public de l’ordre administrative ou judiciaire, militaire ou assimilé, agent ou préposé d’une administration publique, citoyen chargé d’un ministère de service public, dirigeant ou agent de toute nature d’un établissement public, d’un ordre professionnel, d’une coopérative bénéficiant du soutien de l’Etat ou d’une collectivité publique, d’un organisme privé chargé d’une mission de service public, d’une association ou fondation reconnue d’utilité publique ou d’une société dont une collectivité publique détient la moitié au moins du capital, faire ou s’abstenir de faire un acte de ses functions ou de son emploi, juste ou non, mais non sujet à salaire;

2) Etant arbitre, ou expert nommé soit par le Tribunal, soit par les parties, render une décision ou donner une opinion favorable ou défavorable à une partie;

3) Etant médecin, chirurgien, dentiste, sage-femme, certifier faussement ou dissimuler l’existence de maladies ou d’infirmités un état de grossesse ou fournir des indications mensongères sur l’origine d’une maladie ou infirmité ou la cause d’un décès.

Sera puni d’un emprisonnement d’une à trios années et d’une amende de 25.000 à 100.000 francs ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement tout commis,

employé ou préposé, salarié ou rémunéré sous une forme quelconque, qui, soit directement, soit par personne interposée, aura, à l’insu et sans le consentement de son patron, soit sollicité ou agréé des offres ou promesses, soit sollicité ou reçu des dons, présents, commissions, escomptes ou prises pour faire ou s’abstenir de faire un acte de son emploi. Si les offres, promesses, dons ou solicitations tendaient à l’accomplissement ou à l’abstention d’un acte qui, bien qu’en dehors des attributions personnelles de la personne corrompue était ou aurait été facilité par sa fonction ou par le service qu’elle assurait, la peine sera, dans le cas du paragraphe 1er du premier alinéa, d’un emprisonnement d’un à trios ans et d’une amende de 50,000 à 500.000 francs et, dans le cas du second alinéa, d’un emprisonnement de six mois à deux ans et d’une amende de 25.000 à 75.000

francs ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement.

Article 160

Sera punie d’un emprisonnement d’un an au moins et de cinq ans au plus et de l’amende prévue par le premier alinéa de l’article 159, toute personne qui aura sollicité ou agréé des offers ou promesses, sollicité ou reçu des dons ou presents pour faire obtenir ou tenter de faire obtenir des décorations, médailles, distinctions ou récompenses, des places, fonctions ou emplois ou des faveurs quelconques accordées par l’autorité publique, des marchés, entreprises ou autres bénéfices résultant de traites conclus avec l’autorité publique ou avec une administration placée sous le contrôle de la puissance publique, ou, de façon générale, une decision favorable d’une telle autorité ou administration et aura ainsi abusé d’une influence réelle ou supposée. Toutefois, lorsque le coupable est une des personnes visées au paragraphe 1er du premier alinéa de l’article 159 et qu’il a abusé de l’influence réelle ou supposée que lui donne son mandat ou sa qualité, la peine d’emprisonnement sera de deux années au moins et de dix ans au plus.

Toutefois ne seront pas poursuivies, les personnes qui auront, avant toute oursuite judiciaire en vertu des articles 1 59 et 160, révélé aux autorités compétentes les faits commis par la personne corrompue.

Article 161

Quiconque, pour obtenir, soit l’accomplissement ou l’abstention d’un acte, soit une des faveurs ou avantages prévus aux articles 159 et 160, aura usé des voies de fait ou menaces, des promesses, offres, dons ou présents, ou cédé à des sollicitations tendant à la corruption, même s’il n’en a pas pris l’initiative, sera, que la contrainte ou la corruption ait ou non produit son effet, puni des mêmes peines que celles prévues aux dits articles contre la personne corrompue.

Article 162

Dans le cas ou la corruption ou le traffic d’influence aurait pour objet un fait comportant une peine plus forte, cette peine plus forte sera appliquée aux coupables. Dans les cas prévus aux alinéas 1 er et 3 de l’article 1 59 et à l’alinéa 2 de l’article 160, le coupable, s’il est officier, sera, en outre, puni

de la destitution. Si le coupable est un militaire ou assimilé, il sera fait application, en ce qui

concerne la peine d’amende, des dispositions du Code de justice militaire. Dans les cas prévus aux

trois articles qui précèdent, les coupables pourront, en outre, être interdits des droits mentionnés dans l’article 34 pendant cinq ans au moins et dix ans au plus, à compter du jour où ils auront subi leur peine.

Le tribunal pourra ordonner la restitution à la personne exemptée de poursuites, des choses par

elle livrée ou de leur valeur. Dans le cas contraire, elles seront confisquées au profit du Trésor.

Article 163

Si c’est un juge prononçant en matière criminelle, ou un juré qui s’est laissé corrompre, soit en

faveur soit au préjudice de l’accusé, il sera puni d’un emprisonnement de cinq ans à dix ans outre l’amende ordonnée par l’article 159.

Paragraphe III bis

De l’enrichissement illicite (Loi n° 81-53 du 10 juillet 1981)

Article 163 bis

L’enrichissement illicite de tout titulaire d’un mandant public électif ou d’une function gouvernementale, de tout magistrat, agent civil ou militaire de l’Etat, ou d’une collectivité publique, d’une personne revêtue d’un mandat public, d’un dépositaire public ou d’un officier public ou ministériel, d’un dirigeant ou d’un agent de toute nature des établissements publics, des sociétés nationales, des sociétés d’économie mixte soumises de plein droit au contrôle de l’Etat, des personnes morales de droit privé bénéficiant du concours financier de la puissance publique, des orders professionnels, des organisms privés chargés de l’exécution d’un service public, des associations ou fondations reconnues d’utilité publique, est puni d’un emprisonnement de cinq à dix ans et d’une amende au moins égale au montant de l’enrichissement et pouvant être portée au double de ce montant. Le délit d’enrichissement illicite est constitué lorsque, sur simple mise en demeure, une des personnes designees ci-dessus, se trouve dans l’impossibilité de justifier de

l’origine licite des resources qui lui permettent d’être en possession d’un patrimoine ou de mener un train de vie sans rapport avec ses revenusl égaux. L’origine licite des éléments du patrimoine peut être prouvée par tout moyen.

Toutefois la seule prevue d’une libéralité ne suffit pas à justifier de cette origine licite. Dans le cas où l’enrichissement illicite est réalisé par l’intermédiaire d’un tiers ou d’une personne physique dirigeant la personne morale seront poursuivis comme complices de l’auteur principal.

Police Background Check Procedures

Who can apply?

The local authorities are able to provide criminal records information to:
•  Senegalese nationals resident in Senegal or abroad;
•  Foreigners resident in Senegal or who have resided in Senegal in the past.
The equivalent of a certificate of good conduct is a Certificat de bonne vie et moeurs (it is issued at any police station in Senegal upon presentation of the criminal record certificate first). The criminal record certificate is called Extrait de casier judiciaire (and is issued by the Tribunal-
see where to apply further down). Individuals themselves can apply or get someone else to apply on their behalf.


•  Senegalese nationals must apply in their country of origin and in the town where they were
born e.g. a Senegalese born in Thiės can only apply in Thiės.
•  Foreigners who need a criminal record certificate can only apply in the town in Senegal where
they are or were resident.
•  Senegalese nationals cannot apply for those local certificates overseas. The certificates are
issued in Senegal only.

What must the applicant supply?

Documents to supply to apply for a extrait de casier judiciaire (criminals records certificate):
•  If the Applicant is in Senegal, he must provide the original of a birth certificate (dated less than 3 months) and the original of his identity card.
•  If the Applicant resides abroad, he must provide a photocopy of his identity card (certified by
the police as being a genuine copy of the original) and the original of a birth certificate.
•  The same documents must be given to the person who will be applying on his behalf if he cannot apply himself.
•  The same documents are required for foreigners (those who do not have identity cards must
provide their passports e.g. British Nationals).
•  Senegalese Nationals apply for their Criminal records certificate at the TRIBUNAL REGIONAL of their town of birth and Foreigners apply at the COURS D‟APPEL de Dakar.
There are no contact e-mail addresses. If the Applicant resides in Senegal, he can go straight to the office, no need to send a correspondence. If he resides abroad, he can send a letter. However to ensurea response it is best to send someone with the documents required to apply on his behalf and send back the certificate).

What are the costs / turnaround times?

•  The cost of obtaining a criminal records certificate is
two stamps of CFA 100 each
•  Turnaround time for the application is at least 1 week to give time to the tribunal to investigate and find out what is on the persons records, complete the forms and have it signed by the Procureur de la Republique and the Greffier en chief.

Contact details

There is no form to download. The blank certificate is kept at the tribunal, and completed by them after their investigations, stamped and signed before being handed over to the Applicant or the person who is applying on his behalf.
There are no contact details on the website.
The certificate is a form containing the applicant’s details and dates when he has been jailed, if any. Please find attached blank copies of the forms. The document is written in French only. Those who want a translation must find their own translator (translation fees are different from a translator to another between 5000 and 11.000 CFA
The information contained in the certificate is valid only 3 months
Embassy of the Republic of Senegal
39 Marloes Road W8 6LA
Tel: 020 7938 4048/020 7937 7237
Fax: 020 7938 2546


Sovereign risk

The rating will remain weighed down by the large financing requirement, the weak fiscal positionalthough both are improvingand rising debt levels in 2015-16. Despite the need and public demand for increased social and development spending, the government appears committed to further fiscal consolidation and subsidy reform, in line with the conditions set out in its unfunded policy support instrument with the IMF.

Banking sector risk

The banking sector is strongly capitalised. Although gross non-performing loans amounted to a high 20.3% of total loans in 2013, this was partly offset by a high level of provisions. Improving regulation and a pick-up in economic growth should help to bolster asset quality over the forecast period.

Political risk

Slow progress by the president in delivering on his pre-election promises of more rapid economic growth and job creation is leading to popular dissatisfaction. That said, given Senegal’s history of democracy and stability, the risk of social unrest remains low.

Economic structure risk

A commodity-heavy export base, a poor (albeit improving) business environment, low incomes and chronic power shortages are the main structural constraints. Public debt is growing strongly, albeit to fund economic development.

Travel Risk


The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The Government of Canada takes the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provides credible and timely information in its Travel Advice. In the event of a crisis situation that requires evacuation, the Government of Canada’s policy is to provide safe transportation to the closest safe location. The Government of Canada will assist you in leaving a country or a region as a last resort, when all means of commercial or personal transportation have been exhausted. This service is provided on a cost-recovery basis. Onward travel is at your personal expense. Situations vary from one location to another, and there may be constraints on government resources that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide assistance, particularly in countries or regions where the potential for violent conflict or political instability is high.

Casamance (see Advisory)

The current security situation in the Casamance region is highly unstable due to the threat of armed attacks and highway robbery. The situation is exacerbated by the persistent risk of clashes between Senegalese forces and rebels of the MFDC (Mouvement des Forces Démocratiques de Casamance). Anti-personnel mines remain a danger in Basse-Casamance, where incidents are regularly reported. South of Ziguinchor, near the border with Guinea-Bissau, demining zones have been identified and demining operations are under way. The entire region remains affected by incidents involving presumed separatist groups and armed gangs.

In general, travel on all roads in the region west of the city of Kolda is not recommended, with the exception of the road between Ziguinchor and Cap Skirring. Travel to the north around the Gambian border and to the south around the Guinea-Bissau border is very dangerous and is not recommended. DFAIT advises maintaining a high level of vigilance and personal security awareness when travelling by road east of Kolda. Any overland travel within or to these exceptional areas should be undertaken strictly on main roads during daylight hours only, ideally in convoy and with reputable carriers or tour operators.

Guinean border area

Exercise caution in the Guinean border area as the Senegalese authorities may at any time implement stricter controls in this area, including roadblocks at which travellers will be required to identify themselves.

Border areas with The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau

Roads near the border with The Gambia are not safe. Armed attacks on travellers have been reported recently, including in the Sedoba region. There is also tension near the border with Guinea-Bissau, in the areas of Ziguinchor, Nyassia and Niagha.

Increased threat of attacks and kidnappings

In 2013, the French military assisted the Malian government in efforts to repel armed rebels. Terrorist groups in the region declared their intention to increase attacks and kidnappings targeting Westerners. While the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali has been supporting the transitional authorities in stabilizing the region since July 2013, citizens of countries supporting the intervention are still at particular risk, but all travellers should exercise increased vigilance in the region.


Violent robberies may occur in the main cities, particularly Dakar. Remain vigilant when travelling, protect travel documents, avoid displays of affluence, and stay away from isolated places, particularly at night.

Exercise caution in the arrivals and departures areas at the airport, especially after dark. These areas are often crowded, and travellers are regularly approached or get rushed by strangers. Many hotels offer a free shuttle service. Ensure that you confirm the identity of the person welcoming you at the airport to confirm that he or she was sent by the hotel.

The Gorée pier is a favourite spot for pickpockets. Avoid displaying valuable items on your person. Keep your bags close to you, remain vigilant and do not stop to talk with people who call out to you.

In Dakar, armed robberies are becoming more frequent in homes, on the Corniche road and at the beach. In general, assaults take place early in the morning and after dusk. Avoid walking on the Corniche road in the evening, especially on the eastern and western Corniche, between the Olympic Club and the Mosque of the Divinity. Also avoid strolling along the beach at the end of the day.

Demonstrations and strikes

Country-wide strikes and demonstrations are common and can suddenly turn violent. Avoid large public gatherings and demonstrations. Stay away from places where these could occur and follow the advice of local authorities at all times. Monitor the local media and other sources of information to keep abreast of any security threats, demonstrations, public gatherings or labour strikes.


You are advised always to carry photo identification, as well as a certified copy of your passport. The authorities may conduct checks at any time.


Main roads are in good condition, but travel after dark can be difficult because of poor lighting. Most secondary roads require a four-wheel-drive vehicle, particularly in the rainy season.

The presence of pedestrians and animals, combined with bad driving habits and poorly maintained vehicles, makes local driving conditions difficult.

It is advisable to report a road accident as soon as possible to the nearest police station, in order to avoid any conflict between the parties involved. In the event of personal injury or death, drivers are detained until a judge determines responsibility. If you are driving a rental car, both you and the rental company will be held responsible.

Avoid using public transportation if the vehicle appears overcrowded or poorly maintained.

Taxis are often badly driven and can be poorly maintained. Use regulated taxis only, and agree on the fare beforehand.

See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.


Cases of attempted fraud are frequently reported in Senegal. See our Overseas Fraud page for more information on scams abroad.

General safety information

Use only reputable and professional guides or tour operators, and choose well-established accommodations. Visits to wildlife parks should also be arranged only through reputable tour operators. Ensure that you always follow park rules.

Annual Cases

Budget Autonomy No
Annual Budget of the Agency US $ 400,000
Per Capital Expenditure $ (US) 0.03
Expeniture as % of the GDP 0.16 %
Are employees protected by law from recrimination or other negative consequences when reporting corruption (i.e. whistle-blowing)? Yes
Does your country have freedom of information legislation? No
Does your country have conflict of interest legislation? No
Does your country have a financial disclosure system to help prevent conflicts of interest? Yes
Who appoints the head of your agency? The President of the Republic
Who has the authority to remove the head of the ACA? The President of the Republic
Is there any term limit for the head of the ACA? Yes , 6 Year
Does your agency measure performance? No
Full access to Government Yes

Address Format



Monsieur Amadou Diop
Résidence Fallou Ndiaye
Appartement 12
12 Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop
12500 Dakar


Senegal GDP Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
GDP 15.15 14.05 15.15 0.79 USD Billion
GDP Growth Rate 22.70 3.60 25.00 -14.80 percent
GDP Annual Growth Rate 6.70 4.60 8.92 -6.55 percent
GDP per capita 805.80 797.43 873.91 635.01 USD
GDP per capita PPP 2196.34 2173.52 2196.34 1730.81 USD


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