*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country


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(Abstract: The Penal Code of Niger sets several articles to regulate the crime of corruption. In its article 130 to 133, it regulates that anyone who commits bribery or influence peddling will be punished, with the penalty varied with the extent the crime extends.)

SECTION VII. – Corruption et trafic d’influence

Art. 130 : Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de deux ans à moins de dix ans et d’une amende

de 50. 000 à 1.000.000 de francs, quiconque aura sollicité ou agréé des offers ou promesses, sollicité ou reçu des dons ou présents pour :

1) étant investi d’un mandat électif, fonctionnaire public ou de l’ordre administrative ou judiciaire, militaire ou assimilé, agent ou préposé d’une administration publique ou d’une administration placée sous le contrôle de la puissance publique, ou citoyen chargé d’un ministère de service public, faire ou s’abstenir de faire un acte de ses fonctions ou de son emploi, juste ou non, mais

non sujet à salaire ;

2) étant arbitre ou expert nommé soit par le tribunal, soit par les parties, render une décision ou donner une opinion favorable à une partie ;

3) étant médecin, chirurgien, dentiste, sage-femme, infirmier, certifier faussement ou dissimuler l’existence de maladies ou d’infirmités ou un état de grossesse ou fournir des indications mensongères sur l’origine d’une maladie ou infirmité ou la cause d’un décès ;

Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de un à cinq ans et d’une amende de 10.000 à 600.000 francs, ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, tout commis, employé ou préposé, salarié ou rémunéré sous une forme quelconque qui soit directement, soit par personne interposée aura, à l’insu et sans le consentement de son patron, soit sollicité ou agréé des offres ou promesses, soit sollicité ou reçu des dons, présents, commissions, escomptes ou primes pour faire un acte de son emploi.

Si les offres, promesses, dons ou sollicitations tendaient à l’accomplissement ou l’abstention d’un acte qui, bien qu’en dehors des attributions personnelles de la personne corrompue, était ou aurait été facilité par sa fonction ou par le service qu’elle assurait, la peine sera d’un emprisonnement de un à cinq ans et d’une amende de 10. 000 à 1.000. 000 de francs ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement.

Art. 131 : Sera puni d’un emprisonnement d’un à cinq ans et d’une amende de 50.000 à 1.000.000 de francs, toute personne qui aurait sollicité ou agréé des offers ou promesses, sollicité ou reçu des dons ou présents, pour faire obtenir ou tenter de faire obtenir des décorations, médailles, distinctions ou récompenses, des places, functions ou emplois ou des faveurs quelconques accordées par l’autorité publique, des marchés, entreprises ou autres bénéfices résultant de traités conclus avec l’autorité publique ou, de façon générale, une décision favorable d’une telle autorité ou administration, et aura ainsi abusé d’une influence réelle ou supposée.

Toutefois, lorsque le coupable est une des personnes visées au paragraphe 1 er du premier alinéa de l’article 130 et qu’il a abusé de l’influence réelle ou supposée que lui donne son mandat ou sa qualité, la peine de l’emprisonnement sera de deux à moins de dix ans.

Art. 132 : Quiconque pour obtenir, soit l’accomplissement ou l’abstention d’un acte, soit une des faveurs ou avantages prévus aux articles 130 et 131, aura usé de voies de fait ou menaces, de promesses, dons ou présents ou cédé à des sollicitations tendant à la corruption, même s’il n’en a pas pris l’initiative, sera, que la contrainte ou la corruption ait ou non produit son effet, puni des mêmes peines que celles prévues auxdits articles contre la personne corrompue.

Il ne sera jamais fait au corrupteur restitution des choses par lui livrées ou de leur valeur, elles seront confisquées au profit du Trésor.

Art. 133 : Dans tous les cas prévus à la présente section, lorsque le coupable sera une des personnes prévues aux 1°, 2° et 3° de l’article 130, elle sera privée de tout ou partie des droits énoncés à l’article 21.

(Adopted on 18 July 1999, promulgated on 9 August 1999)

Article 5

National sovereignty shall belong to the people. National sovereignty shall not be exercised by any fraction of the people nor by any individual. In the exercise of national sovereignty, all efforts which foster personal power, regionalism, ethnocentricity, clannishness, nepotism, feudalism, illegal aggrandisement, favouritism, corruption and the trading of influence shall be forbidden and punishable by law.

Article 31

Public assets shall be considered sacred and inviolable. Each person shall respect and protect them scrupulously. Any act of sabotage, vandalism, corruption, misappropriation, waste or illegal enrichment shall be restrained by law.

Travel Risk


The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The Government of Canada takes the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provides credible and timely information in its Travel Advice. In the event of a crisis situation that requires evacuation, the Government of Canada’s policy is to provide safe transportation to the closest safe location. The Government of Canada will assist you in leaving a country or a region as a last resort, when all means of commercial or personal transportation have been exhausted. This service is provided on a cost-recovery basis. Onward travel is at your personal expense. Situations vary from one location to another, and there may be constraints on government resources that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide assistance, particularly in countries or regions where the potential for violent conflict or political instability is high.

Niamey (see Advisory)

Although the security situation has improved in Niamey, the threat of kidnapping is very present, as highlighted by the interception by Niger security forces of a terrorist cell within a few kilometers of Niamey in mid-August 2012. Evidence points to a kidnapping attempt. Remain extremely vigilant, limit your movement and avoid travelling after dark. All travel between the airport and Niamey must be done in convoy of at least two vehicles.

Areas bordering Nigeria

A state of emergency is in effect in the Nigerian states of Borno and Yobe, which border southeast Niger. Instability in these provinces could spill over into Niger.


The French and Nigerien militaries have been assisting the Malian government in efforts to repel armed rebels. Terrorist groups in the region declared their intention to increase attacks and kidnappings. Citizens of countries supporting the military intervention are at particular risk, but all travellers should exercise increased vigilance in the region.

On May 23, 2013, two car bombs exploded simultaneously, one inside a military camp in the city of Agadez and another at a uranium mine in Arlit. As many as 26 people were killed and many others were injured.

Bandits and terrorist groups exist in certain isolated regions of the country. Avoid the areas north of the Tahoua-Zinder-Diffa axis because of banditry and the risk of armed hold-ups.


There is a risk to personal safety throughout the country. There are concerns about the risk of kidnapping by the group Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. As a result of this risk, avoid all travel to isolated areas, particularly to the regions of Tillabéry, Tahoua, Arlit and Agadez, as well as in the border regions with Mali and Burkina Faso.

Foreign nationals have been kidnapped. In August 2012, Niger security forces intercepted a terrorist cell within a few kilometers of Niamey. Use varied and unpredictable routes and schedules when moving from one place to another, remain extremely vigilant, limit your movement and avoid travelling after dark.


There is a moderate level of crime in Niger, including in the capital. However, muggings, armed assaults and theft can happen. In Niamey, pickpocketing and purse snatching also occur. Foreign nationals in particular are targeted.

Avoid walking after dark and displaying any signs of affluence in public. Do not leave valuables or bags unattended.


Demonstrations occur and have the potential to suddenly turn violent. They can lead to significant disruptions to traffic and public transportation. Avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings, especially those organized by students, workers or political figures, follow the advice of local authorities and monitor local media.


Cases of attempted fraud are frequently reported. See our Overseas Fraud page for more information on scams abroad.

Road travel

Except for main routes, roads are generally in poor condition throughout the country. Local driving habits, bicycles, mopeds, pedestrians, roaming farm animals, slow-moving donkey carts, and broken-down vehicles pose hazards.

Avoid travelling within the country unless it is essential. Undertake all travel during daylight hours, in a convoy of several vehicles in excellent mechanical condition and accompanied by an experienced driver. Bring sufficient supplies of food and water as well as a medical kit. Lock car doors and keep windows shut at all times. Carrying a satellite phone is recommended when travelling in remote areas. Emergency roadside or medical assistance is unavailable.

Avoid all travel after dark. Nightime attacks on tourists have been reported in most of the country (on the roads between Agadez and Arlit, Agadez and Tahoua, in the city of Zinder, on the road between Tillabéry and Niamey).

Do not leave the main roads. Landmines are present in the northern region of Agadez and continue to cause occasional injuries and deaths.

In case of an accident, report to the nearest police station to file a report.

Public Transportation

Public transportation is not recommended, including transportation organized by hotels. Consider hiring a driver for your stay in Niger.

See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.

General safety information

Carry identification at all times and safely store photocopies of passports, visas, and travel documents. Keep a photocopy of your passport in case of loss or seizure.

Address Format



Manou Kimba
61, Av. Du Fleuve Niger
B.P. 742


Niger GDP Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
GDP 7.36 6.77 7.36 0.45 USD Billion
GDP Annual Growth Rate 6.90 6.90 13.48 -17.06 percent
GDP per capita 289.43 289.58 559.70 254.99 USD
GDP per capita PPP 883.52 883.98 924.50 778.40 USD
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