General Information

GDP USD16.386bn (World ranking 117, World Bank 2014)
Population 26.47  million (World ranking 47, World Bank 2014)
Form of state Republic
Head of government Filipe Nyusi
Next elections 2019, presidential and legislatice



*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country


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(Abstract: The Penal Code was born in 1886, revised several times over the years, and last revised in 2006. The code provides that corruption is not allowed and clearly defines who will and how to be punished after committing corruption.)


(Prevaricação dos advogados, técnicos jurídicos, assistentes jurídicos, procuradores judiciais e Ministério Público)

Será punido com suspensão temporária e multa correspondente de três meses até dois anos:

1º. – O advogado, técnico jurídico, assistente jurídico ou procurador judicial que descobrir os segredos do seu cliente, tendo tido deles conhecimento no exercício do seu ministério;

2º. – O que, tendo recebido de alguma das partes dinheiro ou outra qualquer coisa, por advogar ou procurar seu feito e demanda, ou tendo aceitado a procuração e sabido os segredos da causa, advogar, procurar ou aconselhar, em público ou secreto, pela outra parte, na mesma causa;

3º. – O que receber alguma coisa da parte contra quem procurar;

4º. – O agente do Ministério Público, que incorrer em algum dos crimes mencionados neste artigo, será demitido e condenado na referida multa, salvo se pela corrupção lhe dever ser imposta pena mais grave.


(Percebimento ilegal de emolumentos)

Os empregados públicos não autorizados pela lei para levar às partes emolumentos ou salários, e bem assim aqueles que a lei autoriza a levar somente os emolumentos ou salários por ela fixados, se levarem maliciosamente por algum acto de suas funções o que lhes não é ordenado, ou mais do que lhes é ordenado, posto que as partes lhe queiram dar, serão punidos com a demissão ou suspensão, segundo as circunstâncias, e multa de um mês até três anos, salvas as penas de corrupção, se houverem lugar.


Peita, suborno e corrupção


(Peita, suborno e corrupção de empregado público)

Todo o empregado público que cometer o crime de peita, suborno e corrupção, recebendo dádiva ou presente, por si ou por pessoa interposta, com sua autorização ou ratificação, para fazer um acto de suas funções, se este acto for injusto e for executado, será punido com a pena de prisão maior de dois a oito anos e multa correspondente a um ano; se este acto porém não for executado, será condenado em suspensão de um a três anos, e na mesma multa.

§ 1. – Se o acto injusto e executado for crime, a que pela lei esteja decretada pena mais grave, terá lugar a pena que, segundo a lei, dever ser imposta.

§ 2. – Se for um acto justo que o empregado seja obrigado a praticar, será suspenso até um anos, e condenado na multa correspondente a um mês.

§ 3. – Se a corrupção teve por fim a abstenção de um acto das funções do mesmo empregado, a pena será a de demissão ou a suspensão de um a três anos, e multa correspondente, segundo as circunstâncias.

§ 4. – A aceitação de oferecimento ou promessa será punida, observando-se as regras gerais sobre a tentativa; mas sempre haverá lugar a pena de demissão, se o acto for injusto e executado.

§ 5. – Se o empregado repudiou livremente o oferecimento ou promessa que aceitara, ou resistiu a dádiva ou presente que recebera, e livremente deixou de executar o acto injusto, sem que fosse impedido por motivo algum independente da sua vontade, cessará a disposição deste artigo.

§ 6. – As disposições deste artigo e seus parágrafos terão lugar também nos casos em que o empregado público, arrogando-se dolosamente ou simulando atribuição de fazer qualquer acto, aceitar oferecimento ou promessa, ou receber dádiva ou presente, para fazer esse acto ou não o fazer, salvas as penas mais graves da falsidade, se houverem lugar.

§ 7. – São igualmente aplicáveis aos árbitros as disposições deste artigo e seus parágrafos.

§ 8. – As penas determinadas nos artigos antecedentes são aplicadas aos peritos e a quaisquer outros que exercerem alguma profissão a respeito dos seus actos que forem, segundo a lei, requeridos para o desempenho do serviço público, excepto quando a lei os autorizar a regular com as partes o seu salário.

§ 9. – Nos casos dos dois últimos antecedentes parágrafos, a pena de demissão ou de suspensão será substituída pela suspensão do exercício da profissão ou pela suspensão dos direitos políticos não inferior a dois anos, salvo o disposto no artigo 241º, e sem prejuízo da pena mais grave em que possam ter incorrido por motivo dos referidos actos.


(Corrupção de juízes)

Os juízes de instrução criminal, os juízes da causa e os juízes eleitos que forem corrompidos para ordenarem, ou pronunciarem, ou julgarem em matéria criminal, a favor ou contra alguma pessoa, depois da acusação, serão condenados a prisão maior de oito a doze anos e na multa de cinquenta milhões a duzentos milhões de meticais.


(Agravação do crime previsto no artigo 319º)

Se por efeito da corrupção houver condenação a uma pena mais grave que a declarada no artigo antecedente, será imposta ao juiz, que se deixar corromper, essa pena mais grave e a multa declarada no artigo antecedente.


(Corrupção activa)

Qualquer pessoa que corromper por dádivas, presentes, oferecimentos ou promessas qualquer empregado público, solicitando uma injustiça, comprando um voto ou procurando conseguir ou assegurar pela corrupção o resultado de quaisquer pretensões, será punida com as mesmas penas que forem impostas ao empregado corrompido, com a declaração de que as penas de demissão ou suspensão serão substituídas pela suspensão dos direitos políticos, não inferior a dois anos.

§ único – Quando o suborno tiver lugar em causa criminal a favor do réu, por parte dele mesmo, do seu cônjuge ou de algum ascendente ou descendente, ou irmão ou afim nos mesmos graus, a pena será a de multa de um a seis meses.


(Aceitação de oferecimento ou promessa por empregado público)

Se o empregado público aceitar por si ou por outrem oferecimento ou promessa, ou receber dádiva, ou presente de pessoa que perante ele requeira despacho, ou que tenha negócio ou pretensão dependente do exercício de suas funções públicas, ser-lhe-ão aplicadas as disposições do artigo 318 e seus parágrafos.


(Perda a favor do Estado das coisas recebidas)

Serão sempre perdidas a favor do Estado as coisas recebidas por efeito da corrupção ou o seu valor.


Disposições gerais


(Cumplicidade dos superiores hierárquicos)

Todo o empregado público será considerado cúmplice, e punido segundo as regras gerais sobre a cumplicidade, no caso em que, sabedor de um crime cometido por empregado subalterno, que lhe deva directamente obediência, não empregar os meios que a lei lhe faculta, para que seja punido.


(Punição dos empregados públicos)

Nos casos em que a lei não decretar especialmente as penas dos crimes de qualquer natureza, cometidos por empregados públicos, será imposta a pena do crime agravada ao empregado público, que por qualquer dos modos declarados no artigo 22º for cúmplice de um crime, que ele esteja encarregado de velar e obstar a que se cometa, ou de concorrer para que seja punido.


(Punição dos empregados públicos nos casos não especificados)

Em todos os casos não designados neste capítulo, nos quais as leis ou regulamentos de cada um dos empregados públicos decretarem penas correccionais ou especiais, pela violação ou falta de observância de suas disposições, aplicar-se-ão essas penas com as seguintes declarações:

1. – Havendo somente negligência, não se imporá pela contravenção a pena de demissão, e será esta pena substituída pela de suspensão;

2. – Verificando se em qualquer caso e em qualquer tempo segunda reincidência, o empregado que duas vezes tiver sido condenado, será demitido;

3. – As disposições antecedentes aplicam-se aos factos da competência da jurisdição disciplinar.


(Conceito de empregado público)

Para os efeitos do disposto neste capítulo, considera-se empregado público todo aquele que, ou autorizado imediatamente pela disposição da lei, ou nomeado por eleição ou por autoridade competente, exerce ou participa no exercício de funções públicas civis de qualquer natureza.

(Approved and enacted on 2 November 1990)


Article 176 1. The Office of the Attorney-General shall supervise and defend the established legal order and shall promote compliance with the law.

2. The Office of the Attorney-General shall be headed by the Attorney-General of the Republic. In case of absence or disability, the Deputy Attorney-General of the Republic shall substitute.

3. The Attorney-General shall be accountable to the President of the Republic, and shall provide annual reports to the Assembly of the Republic.

4. Assistant Attorney-Generals shall be appointed, exonerated and dismissed by the President of the Republic, after consultation with the Supreme Council of the Public Prosecutor.

Article 177 The law shall determine the structure, composition and operation of the Office of the Attorney-General and the Supreme Council of the Public Prosecutor.

Article 178 1. The Public Prosecutor’s Office shall constitute a hierarchically organized magistracy which is subordinate to the Attorney-General of the Republic.

2. In exercising their functions, the officers and agents of the Public Prosecutor’s Office shall be subject to the principles of legality, objectivity, impartiality, and those directives and orders which are within the terms of the law.

Article 179 The Public Prosecutor’s Office shall represent the State before the courts, shall control the legality and the duration of detentions, shall initiate criminal prosecution, shall enforce criminal sentences, and shall ensure the legal defense of minors and of absent or incapacitated persons.

(Approved by the Assembly of the Republic, on the 16th of November 2004.)


Article 234


1. The Public Prosecution Service shall constitute a hierarchically organized magistracy, which is subordinate to the Attorney General of the Republic.

2. In the exercise of their functions, the judicial officers and agents of the Public Prosecution Service shall be subject to the criteria of legality, objectivity, impartiality and exclusive obedience to the directives and orders prescribed by law.

3. The Public Prosecution Service shall enjoy its own statute and autonomy, within the terms of the law.

Article 235


The Public Prosecution Service shall comprise a magistracy, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic and subordinate offices.

Article 236


The Public Prosecution Service shall represent the State and defend such interests as the law may determine, and it shall control the legality and duration of detentions, shall conduct the institution of criminal proceedings, shall exercise penal authority, and shall ensure the legal defence of minors and absent or incapacitated persons.

Article 237

Office of Attorney General of the Republic

1. The Office of the Attorney General shall be the highest office of the Public Prosecution Service, and its organisation, composition and powers shall be defined by law.

2. The Attorney General of the Republic, assisted by the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic, shall head the Office of the Attorney General.


Article 249

Fundamental Principles

1. The Public Administration shall serve the public interests and, in the discharge of its functions, shall respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens.

2. The offices and agents of the Public Administration shall owe obedience to the Constitution and the law, and shall act with respect for the principles of equality, of impartiality, of ethics and of justice.


Article 256


The Ombudsman is an office established to guarantee the rights of citizens and to uphold legality and justice in the actions of the Public Administration.

Article 257


The Ombudsman shall be elected by a two-thirds majority of the deputies of the Assembly of the Republic, for a term which shall be determined by law.

Article 258


1. The Ombudsman shall be independent and impartial in the exercise of his functions and he shall owe obedience only to the Constitution and the laws.

2. The Ombudsman shall provide report annually on his activity to the Assembly of the Republic.

Article 259


1. The Ombudsman shall investigate the cases submitted to him. He shall not have power to make decisions about the cases, but shall submit recommendations to the appropriate offices to correct or prevent illegalities or injustices.

2. If the investigations of the Ombudsman lead to the conclusion that the Public Administration has committed serious mistakes, irregularities or violations, he shall inform the Assembly of the Republic, the Attorney General of the Republic and the central or local authority, with recommendations for pertinent measures.

Article 260

Duty to Collaborate

The offices and agents of the Public Administration shall be under a duty to collaborate with the Ombudsman in the exercise of his functions, should he so request.

Article 261

Statute, Procedures and Organisation

The law shall determine all other aspects pertaining to the statute, the procedures, and the organisational structure supporting the Ombudsman.

Police Background Check Procedures

Who can apply?

• Individuals may apply.
• Third parties can apply on behalf of the applicants if they have been given a power of attorney.


• Applicants must apply in the country of origin (they need to fill the forms available at the Consular Section at the Mozambique High Commission and have finger prints taken). The applicant must then send the application to the relevant authority in Mozambique.

What must the applicant supply?

• Set of finger prints taken at the Mozambique High Commission
• Original valid passport must be presented at the High Commission.

What are the costs / turnaround times?

• The costs for the finger prints at the Consular Section in London is £5.

Contact details

Mozambique High Commission
21 Fitzroy Square
W1 6ET
Tel: 020 7383 3800
The processing body in Mozambique:
Repatição do Registo Crminal (RCC)
Rua das Flores, 133, 1 ̊. andar
Tel: +258 21 307 850


Sovereign risk

Twin fiscal and current-account deficits, rising debt levels, worsening debt-service ratios and sustained commodity price weakness will fuel vulnerability. However, debt payments will be met, with repayment capacity underpinned by brisk growth in GDP and fiscal revenue, while foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows will continue to cover most of the external financing requirement.

Banking sector risk

Mozambique’s liquid, profitable and well-funded (through local deposits) banking system faces limited systemic risks, although credit is highly concentrated. Amid weak regulation and supervision, government policies aimed at expanding credit could fuel vulnerability, as financial inclusion is predominantly being held back by structural constraints.

Political risk

The election of the new state president, Felipe Nyussi, as president of the ruling Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (Frelimo) has reinforced his position, giving him a strong mandate to govern. Yet tensions with the opposition Resistência Nacional Moçambicana, which wants a greater share of power, will persist. The risk of sporadic unrest or violence remains.

Economic structure risk

A narrow and commodity-dependent export base, still high dependency on aid, low income per capita levels, and a poor business and investment environment will remain the chief structural constraints over the medium term.

Travel Risk


The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The purpose of this Travel Advice is to provide up-to-date information to enable you to make well-informed decisions.


Violent crime is the most significant threat to visitors. Frequent crimes include armed robbery, armed carjacking and home burglaries. Carjacking is common in Maputo and on roads to Mutare, in Zimbabwe, and to South Africa. In 2013, there have been several reported incidents of carjackings in Boane, and near border crossings with Swaziland, by individuals impersonating police officers. Be aware that only officers from the Policia de Republica de Moçambique have the authority to establish checkpoints. Official checkpoints are always staffed by four officers and a clearly visible vehicle. Take precautions when being flagged at checkpoints.

Petty crime, such as muggings, purse snatchings and pickpocketing, is particularly prevalent in Maputo and is on the rise in other urban and rural areas. Pedestrians and joggers have been frequently targeted, even during daylight hours.

Crime increases significantly during the Christmas and New Year season.


Cases of kidnapping take place primarily in larger cities, especially Maputo and Matola. Individuals perceived as wealthy, including foreigners, tend to be preferred targets. Be extremely vigilant at all times, avoid displaying signs of affluence, consider regularly modifying your patterns of travel, and be aware of your surroundings at all times.


Mozambique is generally peaceful. However, violent demonstrations occurred in a few large cities in February 2008 and September 2010. These violent events, strongly repressed by law enforcement, erupted in response to increases in bread, transportation and utilities prices. Spontaneous roadblocks and rioting paralyzed Maputo and other large cities for many days. Efforts to contain the demonstrations caused injuries and deaths because the authorities were unprepared and ill-equipped. If such unrest should recur, you should exercise caution, monitor local news reports and avoid large gatherings.

Road travel

Traffic drives on the left. Travel in convoy is recommended. Overland travel after dark is not recommended. Third-party insurance is required and may be obtained at ports of entry.

A four-wheel-drive vehicle may be required for travel outside cities and off major highways due to poor road conditions, especially during the rainy season (November to March). Carjackings have been reported in border areas and in rural regions, particularly on routes to Mutare, Zimbabwe, and to South Africa, especially in Moamba.

Checkpoints are common and you should obey police when asked to stop. Police have been known to solicit bribes.

Due to residual landmines, remain on official roads. Overland travel should be undertaken during daylight hours. Contact the High Commission of Canada in Maputo for the latest security and travel information.

Public Transportation

Public transportation is very limited. Domestic rail service is overcrowded, slow and uncomfortable.

Consult our Transportation FAQ in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.

General safety information

General elections took place on October 15, 2014. The opposition is contesting the results. Remain vigilant, avoid demonstrations and follow the advice of local authorities.

Mozambique occasionally experiences fuel shortages. You should always keep stores of fuel on hand and plan all overland travel in advance.

Carry identity documents at all times and be aware of the rules governing your entry visas. Urban streets are patrolled by police who frequently carry automatic weapons and require visitors to produce identity and travel documents.

There are certain areas in the city of Maputo where pedestrian traffic is not tolerated, most notably in front of the presidential palaces.

Facilities for tourism are steadily improving in Maputo but remain limited in other areas. Check the level of security provided at the hotel or accommodation you are contemplating before making reservations.

Communications are generally good in Maputo but poor in rural areas.

Annual Cases

Budget Autonomy Yes
Annual Budget of the Agency 50.075.000 MT
Per Capital Expenditure 0.026
Expeniture as % of the GDP 0.003 %
Are employees protected by law from recrimination or other negative consequences when reporting corruption (i.e. whistle-blowing)? Yes
Does your country have freedom of information legislation? Yes
Does your country have conflict of interest legislation? Yes
Does your country have a financial disclosure system to help prevent conflicts of interest? No
Who appoints the head of your agency? The Attorney General
Who has the authority to remove the head of the ACA? The Attorney General
Is there any term limit for the head of the ACA? No
Does your agency measure performance? Yes
Full access to Government Yes

Address Format




Eduardo Mbande
Avenida Ahmed Sekou Touré, 21


Mozambique GDP Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
GDP 15.32 14.38 15.32 1.97 USD Billion
GDP Growth Rate 0.90 0.50 7.70 -1.90 percent
GDP Annual Growth Rate 7.00 7.60 15.30 -2.50 percent
GDP Constant Prices 90018.00 107142.00 118479.00 19407.00 MZM Million
GDP per capita 435.73 416.13 435.73 141.84 USD
GDP per capita PPP 1012.09 968.19 1012.09 408.55 USD
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 81974.00 64722.00 81974.00 28374.00 MZN Million


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