General Information

GDP USD100.543bn (World ranking 63, World Bank 2014)
Population 15.98 million (World ranking 65, World Bank 2014)
Form of state Republic
Head of government Rafael CORREA Delgado
Next elections 2017, presidential and legislative



*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country


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(The Law was adopted on March 8, 2001 and is issued for the state and all permanent residents to fight against corruption and its devastating effects. The Law contains 5 parts and 23 articles in all.

Title 1 of its nature)

Art. 1.- Creation.- The Commission for Civic Control of Corruption, created by a constitutional mandate, is a juridical entity of public right with autonomy and economic, political and administrative independence who will act in representation of the citizenry. It has its headquarters in Quito, and it has the opportunity of constituting delegations in the provinces and counties where the CCCC considers convenient.

Art. 2.- Object.- The Commission will perform the necessary actions for the prevention, investigation, identification and individualization of acts of corruption, as well as for the diffusion and promotion of values and principles of transparency in the management of public issues. For this purpose, it will receive, process and investigate claims about acts of corruption done by the representatives of public election, magistrates, heads of the, authorities, functionaries and people who work in the institutions of the State. It will also investigate the particular individuals involved in the act referred to, and if criminal responsibility is found in the investigations, the conclusions will be put under the knowledge of the Public Ministry, General Comptroller of the State , or the jurisdictional entity which is competent under the law.

The Commission will take care, preferably, of claims of cases of bribery, extortion, concussion, agiotage, frauds in the financial system and other similar actions that might affect the resources of the State or the institutions of the public sector including those in which the private sector is a shareholder.

Art. 3.- Conformation.- The Commission for Civic Control of Corruption will be conformed by seven principal members, and an equal number of substitute ones. They will hold their functions for four years and they can be reelected once.

Art. 4.- Appointment.- The members of the Commission will be appointed by Electoral Colleges conformed by each one of the following entities:

1. National Board of Universities and Technical Schools

2. Professional Guilds, that are legally recognized and representative from each sector and with a national character.

3. The Ecuadorian Association of Newspaper Editors and TV Channels, Broadcasting, and the National Federation of Journalists.

4. The National Federations of Chambers of Production.

5. Trade Unions and Organizations of Indigenous, Afro Ecuadorians and Rural People found at a National Level, and that are legally recognized.

6. National Organizations of Women that are legally recognized, and,

7. Human Rights and Consumer Rights Organizations that are legally recognized.

The heads of the preceding organisms, cannot be members of the Commission, unless they quit their managerial functions.

Each of these entities will appoint a principal member with its respective substitute member, who will replace him or her, in case of suspension or of temporal or definitive absence. In this last case, the substitute member will complete the period for which the principal member was elected.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal will convoke the respective Electoral Colleges, with 30 days of anticipation to the date of the election in order to make them proceed with the appointments.

The Rulings of this law will establish within the procedure of the election, the mechanisms that will allow the diffusion of the names of the candidates, before the election, so that any citizen might present his or her objections to the candidacy of any person.

Art. 5.- Requisites needed to become a member.- To be a member of the Commission of civic Control of Corruption, the following requisites are needed:

1. To be Ecuadorian and 30 years or older.

2. Not having any legal obstacles to hold public office.

3. Having a reputation of honesty and probity.

4. Not exercising any functions in parties, movements or political organizations.

Art. 6.- Of its organs.- The following are organs of the Commission for Civic Control of Corruption:

1. The plenary of the Commission

2. The Presidency

3. The Vice-Presidency

4. The Provincial Delegations established by the Plenary

5. The Executive direction

Title 11 Of The attributions and faculties of the plenary of the Commission

Art. 7.- Attributions.- the Commission for Civic Control of Corruption will have the following attributions:

1. To formulate programs and lead campaigns against corruption, as well as designing the national prevention plan, which will be put under the knowledge of the highest authorities of the State. The plan will be presented within the first 120 days of work of the CCCC. It will contain the policies, objectives, programs and actions, geared towards achieving this goal.

2. To promote the participation and organization of the citizens in order to create a culture of legality and honesty.

3. To know and investigate de claims of corruption that have been presented, and to proceed by office, when there is enough information to presume an act of corruption has been committed.

4. To ask for reports or documents to any public or private institution or natural person in order to verify investigations in course and make statements about situations that imply conflicts of interest or misusage of information.

The authorities, public officers, or middle managers required, should provide the information within 20 days. Any examination or inspection will have to concentrate to the facts and documents related to the case involved.

For the examination of bank accounts, credit cards or other documents related to the financial system belonging to the authorities, functionaries involved, the Commission will ask for the information to the Superintendent of Banks. This authority will have to attend properly the petition of information done by the Commission.

1. Any civil servant that refuses to provide the information needed, will be dismissed of its charge by disposition of the appointing authority. This will happen immediately after the Commission of Civic Control of Corruption has informed the authorities about it.

2. To give the people who spontaneously collaborate with the CCCC, legal protection for their personal security through the respective authorities.

3. When the cases require it, to give the final reports of its investigations to the General Comptroller of State or the Public Ministry, who will process the information provided by the Commission, and follow what is d in the law.

4. To take extra proceedings statements of people that might have knowledge of some act of corruption or that presumably might have taken part of it.

5. To ask the administrative authorities, based on the investigations, the corresponding sanctions.

6. To know, approve and evaluate the administrative plan, and the yearly budget prepared by the Executive Director.

7. To appoint with a written document, people with expertise or specialized in some area so that they might investigate in the name of the Commission. The results of these investigations will be put under the exclusive knowledge of the Commission.

8. To issue the Organic Ruling of the Commission, and any other that might be necessary for its organization and work.

9. To order the members of the Public Force to collaborate timely and provide protection to the members of the Commission or its delegates, with the sole verbal petition and the official identification, without the need or authorization of any other superior official. If any official refuses to fulfill this duty, this will be notified to the competent authority, so that that the corresponding sanction is given, and the Commission is informed; and, The rest contained in the Political Constitution and the laws.

Title III Of its obligations

Art. 8.- Obligations.- All the members of the Commission for Civic Control of Corruption will have the following obligations and prohibitions:

1. To present at the beginning and end of its period in office, the statement of property taken under oath, as established in the article 122 of the Political Constitution of the Republic.

2. To keep absolute confidentiality about all the investigations done, as well as of the information that might come to his or her directly or indirectly as a product of his or her work at the Commission, until the investigation is finished and the corresponding report is issued. This obligation, as well as the one established in the previous article, is extensive to all the civil servants of the Commission for Civic Control of Corruption, who could be dismissed in case of failure to comply with this disposition.

3. To excuse him or herself from participating in the investigations that might involve conflicts of interest or that might have people from his or her family involved.

4. Not participating in political activities

The rest contained in this law and its rulings.

Art.9.- The members of the Commission for Civic Control of Corruption will be judged by the Supreme Court of Justice.

Title IV Of the dignities

Art. 10.- The President.- The President of the Commission will be elected from its principal members, with the favorable vote of the majority of them. He or she will have a two-year period with the chance of reelection.

Art. 11.- Attributions and duties of the President.- The President of the Commission has the following attributions and duties:

1. To observe and make observe this law and the decisions of the Plenary of the Commission.

2. To legally represent the Commission

3. To convoke and preside the sessions of the Plenary of the Commission and propose the agenda of the meeting.

To present the citizens through National Congress, the annual report about the,work and activities of the Commission.

The rest provided by the law and rulings.

Art. 12.- The Vice-president.- The Vice-President will be elected among the principal members of the Commission, in the same way as the President. He or she will be replaced by the substitute member in case of temporary absence. If the absence is definitive, the substitute member will complete the period for which the Vice-President was elected.

In this last case, the Commission will proceed to appoint the Vice President from its members.

Art. 13.- Of the Executive Director.- The Commission will appoint an Executive Director from outside its plenary. He or she will have to fulfill the requirements established on article 5 of this law as holding a college degree. The position held by the Executive Director is of free appointment and dismissal.

Art. 14. Attributions.- The Executive Director has the following attributions:

1. Manage the Commission administratively and financially.

2. To prepare the yearly budgets and present them to the Commission.

3. The rest of attributions conferred by the rulings or the appointments from the President and the Commission.

Art. 15.- Causes for Dismissal.- The members of the Commission could be dismissed by the Plenary of the Commission, exclusively for the following reasons:

1. To be sentenced in a criminal trail for fraudulent offences investigated.

2. To violate the confidentiality of the investigations performed by the Commission.

3. To commit a serious fault in the exercise of his or her functions, and it is considered to be so, by at leas 2/3 of the members of the Commission.

Participating in the investigations where there is a conflict of interest involved.

To deliberately hinder the processes and investigations of the Commission.

Presenting claims against other member of the Commission that would be considered malicious.

Art. 16.- Causes for Suspension.- In case a member of the Commission is in the midst of a process of investigation, judgement and dismissal, he or she will be suspended from their function, until the Plenary of the Commission arrives to a conclusion about his or her degree of responsibility.

Title V Of The process of investigation, judgement and dismissal of the members of the Commission

Art. 17.- The process of investigation and judgement of a member of the Commission will start after a claim has been presented or by routine, in the cases established by article 15 of this law, independently of the administrative, civil or criminal actions that have been considered in the law.

Art. 18.- Claims should be previously recognized by the person reporting the claim, and additionally, the following rules should be observed:

1. If a member of the Commission presents a claim against another member of the commission, this claim should be formalized and be sufficiently based and accompanied by the corresponding material proofs or documents;

If another person knew that a member of the Commission is guilty of one causes

for dismissal, he or she could present a formalized claim, in the terms established before.

Every claim must be put under the knowledge of the President of the Commission, and the content of the claim will be confidential.

The reporter of the claim should be willing to cooperate and provide all the information required by the Commission to support the claim.

For the claims who fit under the terms of literal f) of article No. 15 that come from any other person, the procedure will follow the Code of Criminal Proceedings.

Art. 19.- Once the Commission has been has been put under knowledge of the claim, it might declare its innapropriateness and file it, if there is enough support to proceed that way.

On the contrary, if the claim has been qualified and processed, the accused member will be given a period of 15 days to write an answer to the claim.

Art. 20.- Once the period of time is over, and within the next three days the Commission will convoke the parts to present the respective proofs in not more than 15 days.

Art. 21.- Once the evidence has been received, the Commission will have ten days to value it. After that term has been concluded, the Commission will have to determine the responsibility of the accused within 10 days.

Art. 22.- The Commission will approve its resolutions through the majority of votes of its members in one session. The resolution will only be contestable by the Constitutional Court.

Art. 23.- Financing and Budget.- The financing of the Commission for Civic Control of Corruption will be part of the General Budget of the State.

Temporary Provisions

First.- The Supreme Electoral Court will convoke the electoral colleges within 70 days after this law comes into force.

Second.- The members of the Commission for Civic Control of Corruption appointed by the President of the Republic, according to the temporary provision no.13 of the Political Constitution, will hold their functions until they are replaced as is established in this Law.

Final Provision

The Political Constitution establishes that the President of the Republic has the duty of issuing the respective rules of application of this law.

Given in the city of San Francisco de Quito, Metropolitan District, in the plenary room of the National Congress of Ecuador, on August 5th 1999.

Police Background Check Procedures

Who can apply?

• Local applicants must apply in person
• Ecuadorian residing outside the country may authorise a relative to obtain on their behalf.


Local applicants must apply in person through Jefaturas (Police Headquarters) or Subjefaturas Provinciales de la Policia Judicial (regional police stations).

What must the applicant supply?

• Full names (paternal and maternal),
• Cedula (passport) number
• One passport photo

What are the costs/turnaround?

• A fee of $17.00 (around £11), payable in cash at
either location below.
• Certificate usually available within two working days.

Contact Details

Puente Portete Y Avenida Barcelona S/N Guayaquil
The Office of Archivo Central (Police Central Archive)
Ave. Cuenca y Mideros,
Embassy of Ecuador
Flat 3B 3
Hans Crescent SW1X 0LS
Tel: 020 7584 136 7 /
020 7590 2501 / 020 7590 2507
Fax: 020 7590 2509

Ecuador – Know Your Customer (KYC) Rules

Ecuador is a major drug transit country. With a dollarized economy and geographic location between two major drug producing countries, Ecuador is highly vulnerable to money laundering. Ecuador has emerged as a meeting ground for multiple transnational criminal and terrorist organizations and an important part of a pipeline that moves not only cocaine but humans, weapons, precursor chemicals, and illicit cash.

Corruption is a significant problem in Ecuador and facilitates money laundering. Since only major banks have active money laundering controls in place and a substantial percentage of transactions take place through unregulated money exchange and remittance companies, there is no reliable way to judge the magnitude of illicit finance in the country. There is evidence money laundering is also taking place through trade and commercial activity, as well as through cash couriers. Deficient financial supervision and weakly regulated casinos have been additional vulnerabilities for money laundering. The Ecuadorian government has announced its intent to close all gambling outlets in 2012.


Enhanced due diligence procedures for PEPs:

A PEP is an abbreviation for Politically Exposed Person, a term that describes a person who has been entrusted with a prominent public function, or an individual who is closely related to such a person. The terms PEP, Politically Exposed Person and Senior Foreign Political Figure are often used interchangeably

    • Foreign PEP: NO
    • Domestic PEP: NO

Ecuador – KYC covered entities

The following is a list of Know Your Customer entities covered by Ecuadorian Law:

    • Financial institutions
    • Insurance providers (including private insurance)
    • Cooperatives
    • Trust and fund managers
    • Money transfer companies and parallel couriers
    • Brokerages
    • Casinos and gaming halls

Ecuador – Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR) Requirements:

Number of STRs received and time frame: 38 in 2010

Number of CTRs received and time frame: 21,208,744 from January to April 2011

The following is a list of STR covered entities covered by Ecuadorian Law:

    • Banks
    • Savings and credit institutions
    • Investment companies, stock exchanges, and mutual funds
    • Exchange houses
    • Credit card administrators
    • Money transmitters
    • Mortgage companies
    • Insurance and reinsurance companies
    • Trusts
    • Fund managers
    • Sellers of vehicles, aircraft, and watercraft
    • Brokerages
    • Couriers
    • Real estate agents
    • Casinos and other gambling enterprises
    • Dealers of precious metals and stones


Prosecutions: 49 in 2011
Convictions: One in 2011


The Government of Ecuador (GOE) made progress in December 2010 when it enacted amendments to the country‘s anti-money laundering law (Law 2010-352). The law appears to strengthen the mandate of the Financial Analysis Unit (FAU), Ecuador‘s financial intelligence unit, and expands the role of the National Anti-Money Laundering Council, which oversees the FAU.

On balance, the legal reforms strengthen Ecuador‘s legislation with regard to financial crimes. However, the amended law includes new language that complicates seizures of illicit funds, by explicitly placing the burden of proof on the GOE to prove the illicit origin of funds in money laundering or cash smuggling cases. This provision has brought convictions to a virtual halt. A further impediment to processing bulk cash seizure cases is a lack of regulations defining pertinent authorities and administrative processes.

Law 2010-352 also includes provisions that seek to criminalize terrorist financing by creating an autonomous offense. However, the law does not contain an explicit reference to ―terrorist financing;‖ does not define ―funds‖ or ―assets;‖ does not appear to cover attempts to commit the offense; and appears to require a connection to a specific act of terrorism. Ecuador also lacks adequate procedures for the freezing of assets in accordance with relevant UNSCRs. Ecuador has a lengthy criminal process for confiscating terrorists‘ assets.

Oversight in the financial sector has improved. In 2011, Ecuador issued a number of resolutions to clarify reporting requirements, including for the private insurance system, trust and fund managers, money transfer companies, and casinos, which have resulted in the imposition of penalties on a range of entities for noncompliance.

The GOE should continue to work to ensure its AML/CFT legislation and programs adhere to international standards, particularly with regard to the criminalization of terrorist financing, and the ease with which assets linked to illegitimate sources can be confiscated. The GOE should harmonize its legislation to eliminate conflicts that hinder successful money laundering investigations and prosecutions. The GOE should ensure the FAU is fully functional and meets international standards, and should also ensure that reporting requirements — covering an expanded group of obligated parties — are enforced. The GOE should make a dedicated effort to train judges, prosecutors and investigators so they understand the country‘s applicable AML/CFT legislation and regulations. More effort also should be given to effective border enforcement. It is important for the GOE to take all necessary steps to comply fully with international AML/CFT standards to which it has formally committed through its membership in GAFISUD.


Sovereign risk

Sovereign risk is B“rated, but is on the cusp of a downgrade, as lower oil prices have hit reserves ratios and raised the financing requirement. Concerns over loose fiscal management persist, despite some adjustment on the spending side. However, foreign credit from China and multilateral lenders, and renewed access to international capital markets following a issuances of US$2bn in June 2014 and US$750m in March 2015, provide some support to the rating.

Banking sector risk

The banking sector is stable and profitable, supported by relatively firm GDP growth and low levels of non-performing loans. However, rising government intervention will constrain profitability and sustain risks.

Political risk

Political stability has improved under the presidency of Rafael Correa. However, Ecuador’s weak institutional framework will continue to leave it vulnerable to bouts of social unrest.

Economic structure risk

Economic structure risk remains undermined by the economy’s significant reliance on oil revenue, which, in the context of lower global prices, is choking GDP growth, causing fiscal pressures and weakening the external position. A stronger US dollar is causing competitiveness problems for the non-oil sector.

Travel Risk


The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The Government of Canada takes the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provides credible and timely information in its Travel Advice. In the event of a crisis situation that requires evacuation, the Government of Canada’s policy is to provide safe transportation to the closest safe location. The Government of Canada will assist you in leaving a country or a region as a last resort, when all means of commercial or personal transportation have been exhausted. This service is provided on a cost-recovery basis. Onward travel is at your personal expense. Situations vary from one location to another, and there may be constraints on government resources that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide assistance, particularly in countries or regions where the potential for violent conflict or political instability is high.

Areas immediately bordering Colombia (see Advisory)

Travel to and within areas immediately bordering Colombia is dangerous due to the presence of drug traffickers and criminal organizations and the risk of violence, kidnappings, armed assaults and extortion. There have been reports of Canadian, American, British and Australian tourists and foreign oil workers being kidnapped in these areas. Armed robberies have also been reported at jungle lodges in the areas of Lower Rio Napo and Cuyabeno National Reserve.

Curfews and states of emergency may be declared in regions affected by civil unrest, natural disaster or other disruption. During a state of emergency, authorities have expanded powers to restore order, including suspension of some constitutional rights and expanded detention powers.

Petty crime

Street crimes, including purse snatching, car break-ins, thefts, pickpocketing and violent carjackings, are daily occurrences in major cities. Thieves often work in teams, in which one thief diverts the victims’ attention while the other snatches their possessions. Groups of street children who sell candy are often engaged in this type of team operation. Luggage theft is common at airports, bus terminals, on buses (city and regional) and at other transit points. Thefts of backpacks and other small bags are also very common on buses, even when the individual is being careful. Thieves can be very creative, such as cutting the purse or bag when you have it between your feet or spilling something on you in order to distract you.

In urban centres, thieves target cars stopped in traffic for break-ins. Hide your valuables and be aware of your surroundings when driving. The hotel zones in Quito are often targeted by thieves and muggers who believe tourists are affluent. Remain aware of your surroundings at all times and maintain a low profile when walking in these areas. Avoid walking alone—women especially—and avoid travelling after dark.

Carry only small amounts of money. Do not show signs of affluence and keep all valuable items and electronic equipment out of sight. Ensure that your personal belongings, passports and other travel documents are secure at all times, and carry colour photocopies of your identification documents.

Armed robberies are frequent. In case of robbery, remain calm and do not resist. Exercise caution and be attentive to your surroundings when using automated banking machines (ABMs). Use only ABMs in well-lit public areas where there are lots of people, such as malls or in banks, and do so only during daylight hours.


Sexual assaults against tourists are reported regularly throughout the country. Always exercise caution, avoid isolated areas and travel in groups.

Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of strangers. Be wary of accepting snacks, beverages, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances, as the items may contain drugs that could put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery. Incidents can occur in various locations, including buses, nightclubs and bars.

Sexual assaults and armed robberies have been reported in the area of the Pichincha volcano. Do not walk outside the limits of the Quito Teleférico or its pathway, and avoid hiking to the antennas of the volcano via Cruz Loma, west of Quito.

Robberies at gunpoint have also been reported along the hiking trail up Cerro Mandango near Vilcabamba, Loja. Those robbed, who are often foreigners, report being accosted by a group of masked, armed men while hiking along the trail. Thieves have resorted to undoing or opening articles of clothing to locate valuables and personal items to steal.

Armed assaults can occur in public parks in and around transportation terminals, especially in Guayaquil, Quito, Manta and Cuenca. In Quito, exercise caution in the areas of El Panecillo, Carolina Park, Guápulo, Old Quito, South Quito and particularly the popular tourist sector of Mariscal Sucre, where sexual assaults have occurred. Avoid walking up to the Panecillo.

In Guayaquil, remain vigilant when visiting the downtown area, the waterfront (El Malecón), the market area and the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (statue of Jesus Christ) on Cerro del Carmen. Avoid wandering on deserted beaches, especially at night. Random attacks at gunpoint, robberies and sexual assaults involving Canadians have occurred in the Riobamba area.

Armed robberies on beaches occur throughout the country, especially in the province of Esmeraldas. Robberies have been carried out during the day and have even targeted large groups of tourists.


Kidnapping for ransom and express kidnappings, often in connection with carjackings, is a concern throughout Ecuador but is of particular concern in Guayaquil. To address the problem, the Ecuadorian government has installed cameras and panic buttons in taxis. The panic button is linked directly to 911, and as soon as you press the button, someone will be able to watch, live, what is happening in the taxi.

Express kidnappings involve the brief detention of an individual, who is released only after being forced to withdraw funds from an ABM or after arranging for family or friends to pay a ransom. Exercise caution when using taxis, as taxi drivers have reportedly carried out express kidnappings. You should always use reputable radio taxi companies, booked in advance, if possible.

Civil unrest

Public transportation is often disrupted during demonstrations. Protesters may burn tires, throw rocks and Molotov cocktails, engage in the destruction of private and public property and detonate small improvised explosive devices during demonstrations. Police response may include the use of water cannons and tear gas. Avoid areas where demonstrations are in progress and be prepared with alternate travel arrangements. Although political demonstrations have not been directed at foreigners in the past, peaceful demonstrations can become violent with little or no warning. Foreigners are prohibited from protesting in Ecuador and may be subject to arrest for participating in any demonstration.

Strikes and disturbances by local fishermen in the Galápagos Islands sometimes affect the movement of tourists and prevent access to some sites. If you are planning to travel to the Galápagos Islands, obtain written confirmation from your travel agent or tour operator that your tour vessel is certified by the Ecuadorian navy (Armada del Ecuador) to meet the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea or SOLAS standards.

Road travel

Though road conditions have improved, road travel is slow due to unmarked speed bumps, large pot holes, traffic lights on major highways, heavy traffic (especially on weekends and statutory holidays) and police and military road blocks. Heavy rain and mudslides often close or wash out roads. Heavy fog occasionally poses hazards in mountainous areas.

Driving in Ecuador is hazardous and unpredictable. There are all types of vehicles on the road that do not meet acceptable safety standards. Drivers involved in accidents causing physical injury are immediately detained. In many cases, detention lasts until responsibility for the accident has been assigned and all parties are satisfied.

Robberies and assaults continue to be reported regularly on intercity and urban Guayaquil buses, especially after dark. Bus drivers often make illegal stops to pick up passengers on express routes, especially on the routes between Guayaquil and Cuenca and between Guayaquil and Riobamba. The Ecuadorian government has installed GPS units on buses to track their routes, where they stop and for how long, in an effort to improve security. Avoid travelling after dark.

Only use registered taxis, identified by orange licence plates and an orange and white registration number on the side of the car and on the windshield. Do not hail taxis on the street.

Marine travel

There is a risk of attack and armed robbery against ships in Ecuadorian waters.

Air travel

See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.

General safety information

If you intend to trek:

a) never trek alone;

b) always hire an experienced guide and ensure that the trekking company is reputable;

c) buy travel health insurance that includes helicopter rescue and medical evacuation;

d) ensure that you are in top physical condition;

e) advise a family member or friend of your itinerary;

f) know the symptoms of acute altitude sickness, which can be fatal;

g) register with the Embassy of Canada in Ecuador; and

h) obtain detailed information on trekking routes before setting out.

Your insurance should include provision for helicopter rescue, medical evacuation and treatment for accidental injury and medical emergencies.

The emergency number for police, fire and rescue is 911. In case of robbery, assault, fraud or loss of belongings in Quito, you may contact the “tourist police”, a specially designated police unit, at (593 2) 254-3983.

The Ministry of Tourism has developed an app that can be installed on a smartphone of any traveller visiting Ecuador. It is available in English and allows you to ask for help in the case of an emergency and to be located through your phone’s GPS. To install the app visit:

The Ministry of Tourism has a tourist service complaints management system e-mail: [email protected] and their toll free number is 1-800-turismo (8874766).

Seek advice from local authorities before swimming, as strong currents, undertow and underwater hazards may exist and are not always posted. Most beaches lack consistently staffed lifeguard stations.


Credit card fraud is increasing in Ecuador. Credit card magnetic strips have been duplicated, particularly at restaurants and bars where swiping your own card may not always be possible. Pay careful attention when your cards are being handled by others. Scams involving debit cards also occur. Carefully inspect ABMs before using to ensure that they have not been tampered with.

Address Format






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2013-08-06 12:00 AM Q1 2013 3.5% 4.8% (R) 4.15%
2013-11-01 10:00 PM Q2 2013 3.5% 3.5% 3.2%


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