General Information




USD68.2bn (World ranking 69, World Bank 2013)

Population 11.27 million (World ranking 76, World Bank 2013)
Form of state Republic
Head of government Raul Castro (Communist party)
Next elections 2018, presidential



*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country


Data Protection

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(adopted on December 29, 1987)

The Criminal Code of Cuba was adopted on December 29, 1987. Article.150 is related to illegal enrichment while Article.151 to Article.153 are related to bribery.

(In Spanish)



Enriquecimiento Ilícito

ARTÍCULO 150.1. La autoridad, funcionario o empleado que, directamente o por persona intermedia, realiza gastos o aumenta su patrimonio o el de un tercero en cuantía no proporcional a sus ingresos legales, sin justificar la licitud de los medios empleados para realizar los gastos u obtener tal aumento patrimonial, incurre en sanción de privación de libertad de dos a cinco años o multa de trescientas a mil cuotas o ambas.

2. A los declarados responsables del delito previsto en este artículo se les impone, además, la sanction accesoria de confiscación de bienes.

3. Las sanciones previstas en este artículo se imponen siempre que el hecho no constituya un delito de mayor entidad.


ARTÍCULO 151. 1. El funcionario público que reciba, directamente o por persona intermedia, dádiva, presente o cualquier otra ventaja o beneficio, para ejecutar u omitir un acto relativo a sus funciones, incurre en sanción de privación de libertad de tres a ocho años.

2. Si el hecho consiste en aceptar el ofrecimiento o promesa de dádiva, presente u otra ventaja o beneficio, la sanción es de privación de libertad de uno a tres años o multa de trescientas a mil cuotas.

3. Si el funcionario exige o solicita la dádiva, presente, ventaja o beneficio, la sanción es de privación de libertad de siete a quince años.

4. En iguales sanciones incurre el que, con el carácter de perito, realice los hechos descritos en los apartados anteriores.

5. En el caso de comisión de este delito, se podrá imponer, además, como sanción accesoria, la de confiscación de bienes.

ARTÍCULO 152 . El que dé dádiva o presente, o favorezca con cualquier otra ventaja o beneficio, o le haga ofrecimiento o promesa a un funcionario público para que realice, retarde u omita realizar un acto relativo a su cargo, incurre en sanción de privación de libertad de uno a tres años o multa de trescientas a mil cuotas.

ARTÍCULO 153. El funcionario o empleado que, con abuso de su cargo o de la encomienda que le haya confiado el Gobierno, obtenga beneficio o ventaja personal de cualquier clase, incurre en sanción de privación de libertad de tres a ocho años, siempre que el hecho no constituya un delito de mayor entidad.

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Police Background Check Procedures

Who can apply?

•  All Cuban nationals may apply either locally or internationally, but in person.


•  In Cuba, you can applyeither in their local area, or at the Central Office in Havana.
Applications must be made in person in Cuba or at Consulates/Embassies.
•  International applications are accepted through the Cuban Embassies or Consulates.

What must the applicant supply?

•  Proof of Identity

What are the costs / turnaround times?

•  In Cuba the fee is 10 pesos to be paid in stamps (not cash or other method of payment).
•  Turnaround is 21 days for local applications, collection must be made in person.
•  Internationally, the fee and turnaround will be disclosed on applications. Contact Details

Local applicants:

Central Office in Havana
Oficina de Registro de Antecedentes Penales
Linea y D
Vedado, Plaza de la Revolucion
Ciudad de la Habana
Tel: + (537) 832 7716 / 832 6833

External applicants:

Cuban Embassy London
167 High Holborn, London
Tel: 0207 240-2488
Fax: 0207 836-2602


Sovereign risk

After widening to an estimated 4.1% of GDP in 2014, The Economist Intelligence Unit expects the fiscal deficit to narrow to 3.1% in 2015. Official efforts to part-finance the deficit through bond issuance to state banks will be supportive, although creditworthiness will ultimately remain hampered by a poor payments record. Nickel prices are forecast to rise in 2015, bolstering Cuba’s fiscal and financing outlook.

Banking sector risk

The Banco Central de Cuba (the Central Bank) is working to expand the role of the banking system, while ensuring that supervision remains strict. However, the lack of available data adds significantly to risk.

Political risk

The main risks stem from uncertainty over the political succession from the president, Raúl Castro, to a younger generation of leaders and the potential for a backlash against economic reforms. A lifting of US sanctions is likely in the medium term, which could prompt an upgrade to the political risk rating.

Economic structure risk

The main structural risk is a suspension of subsidies from Venezuela as economic woes and instability mount in that country. Other significant weaknesses stem from domestic economic imbalances caused by the dual-currency system, and the state’s centralised control of prices and economic management.

Travel Risk


The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The purpose of this Travel Advice is to provide up-to-date information to enable you to make well-informed decisions.

Canadians often encounter problems accessing funds while in Cuba. Consult the Laws and Culture tab for more information.


Pickpocketing, theft and assault occur, and Canadians are increasingly reporting being victims of these crimes, especially in Havana (the neighbourhoods of Old Havana, Centro Havana, the Malecón and Vedado) and on the beaches of Playa del Este and Varadero.

Theft of items from checked baggage at Cuban airports is frequent. Bags, including locked suitcases, are being opened, and items removed. Do not pack valuables in your checked luggage. All bags are routinely X-rayed on arrival and departure as part of normal local procedure.

Reports of violent crime are also on the rise. Exercise caution at all times, especially in tourist areas and crowded places. Ensure that personal belongings, passport and other travel documents are secure at all times. Avoid wearing jewellery or showing signs of affluence. If you are robbed, remain calm and do not resist. When reporting a crime to local police, you should insist on receiving the document Comprobante de Denuncia as confirmation that a report has been made. Police officers may speak only Spanish.

Road travel

Avoid driving in Cuba, as driving conditions can be hazardous. Road signs are scarce. Bicycles, pedestrians and horse-drawn carts use the middle of the road and do not readily give way to oncoming vehicles. Many vehicles are old and poorly maintained. Inoperable vehicles are often left on the road until repaired. Few roads are lit and some vehicles do not have lights or reflectors. If you must drive, drive defensively at all times and avoid driving after dark.

The Autopista Central (national highway), which runs half the length of the island, is generally in good condition. Other roads are generally poor. Allowing hitchhikers into your vehicle is not advised.

Public Transportation

City buses are infrequent and overcrowded. Tour companies offer good bus service between airports and the all-inclusive resorts. Buses used for organized day trips from hotels are also in good condition.

Radio taxis are generally reliable. Avoid unlicensed private taxis as well as old model private vehicles offered as taxis. The latter are not equipped with safety features such as seat belts and air bags and there is no insurance coverage for passengers in case of an accident. Yellow, three-wheeled Coco taxis are unsafe and should be avoided.

Air travel

See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.

General security information

Unscheduled electric power surges and outages are common. Most tourist resorts are equipped with generators.

Telephone communication is a problem. Calls are often not answered, even at major institutions. Technical problems also exist. Calls may be connected to a different number than the one dialled. It often takes repeated tries to place a call to another city, particularly after rain. Reliable cell phone service is available in most major cities. Cell phones compatible with North American standards can be used in Cuba. Canadian cell phones generally function. You may arrange for cell phone service by contacting Cubacel at 05 264-2266.


Cuba GDP Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
GDP 68.23 64.30 68.23 5.69 USD Billion
GDP Annual Growth Rate 1.30 2.70 12.10 -14.90 percent
GDP per capita 5049.59 4913.85 5049.59 1938.30 USD
GDP Per Capita Ppp 18796.19 18290.92 18796.19 8910.56 USD
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