Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The purpose of this Travel Advice is to provide up-to-date information to enable you to make well-informed decisions.
Incidents of robbery and assault, including sexual assault, occasionally occur. Ensure that your personal belongings, passports and other travel documents are secure at all times. Do not bring personal belongings to the beach. Avoid solo trips to deserted beaches or poorly lit areas after dark.
Spiked foods and drinks
Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of strangers. Be wary of accepting snacks, beverages, gum, or cigarettes from new acquaintances, as they may contain drugs that could put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery.
Road conditions may be poor.
Safe public minibuses run on the main roads.
Taxis, mopeds, scooters and rental cars are widely available. Some rental agencies’ insurance may not cover drivers under the age of 25.
See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.
Emergency services
Dial 911 to reach police, fire fighters and medical assistance.