Aruba is a popular island resort in the Netherlands Antilles – where there was a dire need of background verification services. Seeing this opportunity and need our company began offering its background screening services in this region.
Our services are not just for you or your employees, but it is for all individuals and corporations. Though our services are available in Aruba, but in fact we are not limited to that particular regions; rather we have massive global coverage.
If you don’t opt for a background check on your employees before giving them jobs, it may bring a bad name, lawsuit or reputation loss to you and your company. Through risk-management we can help you to have a verified hiring so that you will be able to expect some good returns for your company. We have experts to help you out in this.
This is not only a city which can avail our services in Aruba, we have a long list of the cities of your country who could get our facilitation easily, such as Angochi, Arasji, Babijn,Barcelona, Blumond, Boton, Brasil, Bringamosa, Bubali, Butucu, Calabas, Camacuri,Canashito, Cas Ariba, Cas di Paloma, Cashero, Casibari, Catashi, Catiri, Ceru Colorado, Cobo Lodo, Cunucu Abao, Cura Cabai, Dacota, Daimari, Eagle Beach, Fontein, Gasparito,Jamanota, Jan Flemming, Juwana Morto, Lago Colony, Largo Cadushi, Macuarima, Madiki,Mahuma, Marawiel, Maria Mai, Modansa, Mon Pos, Morgenster, Noord, Noord Cura Cabai,Oranjestad (capital), Palm Beach, Parkietenbos, Piedra Plat, Plantersrust, Ponton, Pos Abao,Pos Chiquito, Rooi Afo, Rooi Prikichi, San Nicolas, Santa Cruz, Savaneta, Sero Blanco,Shabiruri, Shiribana, Tamarijn, Tanki Flip, Tanki Lender and Wayaca. Just drop us an email with your query at, and our team will be happy to reply you back.

Background Check Aruba



*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country


Travel Risk


The decision to travel is solely at your discretion, because then you will be responsible for your own safety abroad. The intention of this Advice is to give up-to-date information to enable you to make well-informed decisions.


Petty crime can take place. Ensure that your personal holdings, passports and other travel documents are secure at all times. Avoid abandoned places or unpatrolled beaches after dark. Check with local authorities to determine which beaches are patrolled.

Road travel

Most of the roads are in good condition, but road signs are rare. Stray animals are a hazard. Driving is on the right side of the road, and turning right on red lights is prohibited.

Public Transportation

Taxis do not have meters. Agree on a fare prior to departure.

See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.

Emergency services

Dial 911 to reach emergency services.

Address Format




Mr John Do
Palm Street 17

Privacy Laws & Regulations

The “Data Protection Office of the Slovak Republic” (Urad na ochranu osobnych udajov Slovenskej republiky) is the authority that oversees and enforces data protection in Slovakia. Slovakia follows the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC that was put in place by the European Union. Slovakia has implemented the provisions of the data protection directive through Act No. 428/2002 Coll., the Data Protection Act. These laws protect the way that personal data is collected and handled. It states that individuals should provide consent prior to the collection of data, unless the law suggests otherwise.

  • Data can only be collected if it is done so for relevant reasons and not in excess;
  • Data that is collected may only be used for the purpose for which is was collected;
  • Data must be up to date and accurate;
  • If the data is found to be inaccurate, it needs to be discarded and replaced with accurate data;
  • Once you are finished with the information collected, and it has fulfilled its purpose, the data must be destroyed;
  • Data that is collected must be stored in a safe location with very limited and relevant access.

Data Protection restrictions are in place for countries within the European Union (EU). They do not allow for the transfer of data to countries outside of the European Union. Due to this restriction, the Safe Harbor was created. When a company becomes Safe Harbor certified, they agree and certify that they will meet the privacy and data protection requirements set forth by the Safe Harbor Directive. Info Cubic is Safe Harbor certified, which allows us to obtain information from the EU.

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