Doing background screening with ease is not everyone’s cup of tea. We are here to share your burden and take responsibilities. We provide our best tools for risk management throughout Algeria.

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We are offering our services to much of the Algeria, which covers  AlgiersOran,ConstantineAnnabaBlidaBatnaDjelfaSétifSidi, Bel, AbbèsBiskraTébessaEl Oued, Skikda, Tiaret, BéjaïaTlemcenOuarglaBécharMostaganemBordj, Bou, ArréridjChlef,Souk, AhrasMédéaEl Eulma, Touggourt, Ghardaïa, Saïda, Laghouat, M'Sila, Jijel, Relizane,Guelma, Aïn, BéïdaKhenchelaBousaadaMascaraTindouf etc.

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GDP USD207.955bn (World ranking 48, World Bank 2012)
Population 38.48 million (World ranking 34, World Bank 2012)
Form of state Republic
Head of government Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA
Next elections 2014, presidential




*Note: This is just a sample report. It may change according to your requirements and country



When digging into the record check of the applicants, we authenticate the status of applicant from the courts of that particular country or city. It is not a difficult task for us, as we have wide range of contacts.

No one likes to have any links with a bankrupt person, then how could anyone wishes to have any business ties with such a person? With our service of bankruptcy check, one can have the knowledge about that particular person whether there are any red flags or not, because when there is finance is involved one need to deal things very carefully.

When before starting any deal with anyone, always make sure to have police check. This is very important, so we have divided this into three sections: Basic, Standard and Enhanced Check. All three have different features involved. If anybody wants to have a thorough check by using additional resources, then he/she must go for Enhanced Screening option.

Due to spread of media, this sort of check has become very vital these days. Whether the subject is a major-player or a mediocre, it is vital to have a media check on them to verify if there is any negative news of him/her.

National Identity Card is the most basic and most important source of information about any person. We offer this service to have a check on National ID Cards.

Anti Corruption Laws

(Promulgated on February 20th, 2006)

(Abstract: This Law fits in the framework of the continuous action of moralization the political, economic and financial life, led by the public authorities and for establishing conformity of our domestic legislation to the international instruments and obligations undertaken by our country. The major innovative elements introduced by this Law are the following. Firstly: A widest scope of application for the notion of corruption. Secondly: An extended definition of the public agent which includes the civil servants, either nationals or foreigners, the elected representatives, any person in charge of the management of a public service, concerning both public and private sectors. Thirdly: Concerning the preventive measures, the new Law imposes norms to different public administrations and other entities of the private sector by indicating to them guidelines in matter of recruitment, financial and administrative management. The law focuses also on the important role of the civil society including the media, through informing and increasing public awareness. Fourthly: the creation of a national organ in charge of the prevention and the fight against corruption. Fifthly: A very wide incrimination of the practices contrary to the integrity in the civil service and to the transparency of the public life in the political and economical sphere. Moreover, the new Law extends the incrimination of corruption to the conflict of interests, to the acceptance of presents prejudicial for the normal exercise of the function and to the occult financing of the political parties. Sixthly: the obligation for all public agents to declare their patrimony under penalty of disciplinary and penal proceedings. The Law represses thus the illicit enrichment and puts the burden of the proof on the public agent whose patrimony is proportionally more important than the legitimate incomes. Seventhly: furthermore, the Law provides dissuasive major and complementary penalties. Besides freedom deprived penalties, the courts may order the confiscation of the illicitly acquired properties, even if they have been subject of a transfer of property to relatives (descendants, ascendants or relatives by alliance Eighthly: the chapter of the Law related to the international cooperation and the recovery of assets deals with the aspects related to the exchange of information and to the mutual assistance for the purpose of seizure and confiscation, notably in the case of cross-borders crimes.)

The president of the Republic,

Considering the Constitution, particularly Articles 119, 120, 122-7 °, 126 and 132;

Considering the United Nations Convention against Corruption, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York on 31 October 2003, ratified with reservations, by Presidential Decree No. 04-128 dated 29 Safar 1425 corresponding to 19 April 2004;Considering Ordinance No. 97-09 of 27 Shawwal 1417 corresponding to 6 March 1997 organic law on political parties;

Given Organic Law No. 04-11 of 21 Rajab 1425 corresponding to September 6, 2004 on the status of the judiciary;

Given Organic Law No. 04-12 of 21 Rajab 1425 corresponding to September 6, 2004 fixing the composition, functioning and powers of the Supreme Judicial Council;

Considering Ordinance No. 66-133 of 2 June 1966 amended and supplemented, on the general status of the civil service;

Considering Ordinance No. 66-155 of 8 June 1966, amended and supplemented, establishing the Code of Criminal Procedure;

Considering Ordinance No. 66-156 of 8 June 1966, amended and supplemented, establishing the Criminal Code;

Considering Ordinance No. 75-58 of 26 September 1975, amended and supplemented, bearing Civil Code;

Considering Ordinance No. 75-59 of 26 September 1975, amended and supplemented, on the Commercial Code;

Considering Law No. 79-07 of 21 July 1979, as amended and supplemented, on the Customs Code;

Considering Law No. 84-17 of 17 July 1984, amended and supplemented, concerning finance laws;

Considering Law No. 90-21 of 15 August 1990, as amended and supplemented, on public accounting;

Considering Ordinance No. 96-22 of 23 Safar 1417 corresponding to July 9, 1996, as amended and supplemented, on the suppression of infringement of the legislation and regulation of foreign exchange and capital movements to and from the abroad;

Considering Ordinance No. 97-04 of 2 Ramadhan 1417 corresponding to 11 January 1997 on the declaration of assets;

Considering Ordinance No. 03-11 of 27 Jumada Ethania 1424 corresponding to 26 August 2003 on money and credit;

Considering Law No. 05-01 of 27 Dhu Al Hijjah 1425 corresponding to 6 February 2005 on the prevention and fight against money laundering and terrorist financing;

After consulting the Council of State;

After adoption by Parliament;


Article. 1. .The Present Act is to:

. to strengthen measures to prevent and combat corruption;

. promote integrity, accountability and transparency in the management of public and private sectors;

. facilitate and support international cooperation and technical assistance for the prevention and the fight against corruption, including asset recovery.

Art. 2. .At the meaning of this Act, the term:

a) "" All offenses under Title IV of this Act.

b) "": 1 ° any person holding a legislative, executive, administrative, judicial, or at a local People's Assembly elected, whether appointed or elected, whether permanent or temporary, whether remunerated or not, and regardless of their seniority or seniority;

2. any other person invested with a function or mandate, even temporary, paid or unpaid, and contributes as such, the service of a public agency or public enterprise, or any other undertaking in which the state owns all or part of its capital, or any other company that provides a public service;

3. any other person defined as a public official or who is treated in accordance with the laws and regulations.

c) "" any person holding a legislative, executive, administrative or judicial office to a foreign country, whether appointed or elected; and any person exercising a public function for a foreign country, including for a public agency or public enterprise;

d) "" an international civil servant or any person authorized by such an organization to act on its behalf;

e) "": organized set of tangible and intangible elements or natural or legal persons, which pursues a specific objective;

f) "": all types of assets, tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible, and legal documents or instruments evidencing title to such assets or rights thereto;

g) "" any property derived directly or indirectly from the commission of an offense or obtained, directly or indirectly, by the principal;

h) "" or "" temporarily prohibiting the transfer, conversion, disposition or movement of property or temporarily assuming custody or control of property by order of a court or another competent authority;

i) "": the permanent deprivation of property by order of a judicial body;

j) "" any offense as a result of which proceeds have been generated that may become the subject of money laundering in accordance with the legislation in force thereto;

k) "": the technique of allowing the exit of the national territory, the passage or the entry of illegal or suspicious shipments of being, knowledge and under the supervision of competent authorities, to investigate a offense and to identify persons involved in the commission;

l) "": the UN convention against corruption;

m) "": the national body for prevention and fight against corruption.


Art. 3. In the system of recruitment of public sector employees and to manage their careers, it is subject to the following rules:

1 the principles of efficiency, transparency and objective criteria such as merit, equity and aptitude,

2. appropriate procedures for the selection and training of individuals for public positions considered especially vulnerable to corruption,

3. Furthermore adequate treatment, adequate compensation,

4. the development of appropriate education and training programs to enable public officials to perform their functions in a correct, honorable and proper and have them receive specialized training that educates more corruption risks.

Art. 4.. It is made asset declaration obligation for public officials to ensure the

transparency of political and administrative life and the protection of public property and the preservation of the dignity of persons charged with a public mission.

The public official endorsed the declaration of assets in the month following its d.installation date or the exercise of his elective office.

In case of substantial change of its assets, the public official shall immediately, and in the same manner, the renewal of the initial declaration.

The declaration of assets is also established at the end of term or retirement.

Art. 5.. The declaration of assets, under section 4 above, concerns the inventory of movable and immovable property, located in Algeria and / or abroad, of which he is himself the owner including the ownership, as well as those belonging to his minor children.

The said declaration is made according to a model determined by regulation.

Art. 6.. The declaration of assets by the President of the Republic, members of parliament, the president and members of the Constitutional Council, the Head and members of the Government, the President of the Court of Auditors, the Governor of the Bank of Algeria, ambassadors and consuls and walis be made with the first president of the Supreme Court and the subject of a

publication in the Official Journal of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria within two (2) months following their election or inauguration.

The declaration of assets of Presidents and elected members of local popular assemblies is performed before the body and is advertised by posters for a month at the headquarters of the municipality or the province, as applicable.

The magistrates of the declaration of assets is done at the first president of the Supreme Court.

The terms of the declaration of assets for other public officials are determined by regulation.

Codes of conduct for public officials.

Art. 7. In order to strengthen the fight against corruption, the State, the elected assemblies, local authorities, institutions and public bodies, as well as public companies with economic activities should encourage integrity, honesty and responsibility of their agents and their elected by adopting, in particular, codes and rules of conduct for the correct, honorable and proper performance of public functions and elective offices.

Art. 8. When private interests of a public official coincide with the public interest and are likely to influence the normal course of his duties, the latter shall inform his higher authority.

The procurement

Art. 9. The procedures for public procurement should beings based on transparency, fair competition and objective criteria. As such, they contain include:

disseminating information about public procurement procedures;

- The prior establishment of conditions for participation and selection;

- The objectives and specific criteria for making decisions concerning the award of public contracts;

- The exercise of any remedy in case of non-compliance with procurement rules for public contracts.

Management of public finances

Art. 10. Appropriate measures to promote transparency, accountability and rationality in the management of public finances are taken in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, especially in the rules relating to the preparation and execution the state budget.

Transparency in relations with the public

Art. 11. In order to promote transparency in governance, institutions, administrations and public bodies are obliged mainly:

- Adopting procedures and regulations to enable users to obtain information on the organization and functioning of decision-making processes of public administration, simplify administrative procedures, to publish awareness about the risks of corruption in public administration,

- Responding to queries and complaints of citizens,

- To give reasons when they are unfavorable to the citizen and to clarify the existing remedies.

Action on the body of magistrates

Art. 12.. In order to protect the body of the judiciary risk of corruption, rules of conduct are established in accordance with laws, regulations and other applicable laws.

Private sector

Art. 13.. Measures for the Prohibition of corruption in the private sector are taken and

effective, proportionate and dissuasive disciplinary sanctions are provided, if necessary, in case of non-compliance with these measures.

The measures taken for this purpose should include in particular:

1 strengthening cooperation between detection and law enforcement agencies and relevant private entities;

2. promote the development of standards and procedures designed to safeguard the integrity of relevant private entities, including codes of conduct for business and all relevant professions operate a correct, honorable and adequate to prevent conflicts of interest and to encourage the implementation of good commercial practices among businesses and in the contractual relations with the State;

3. promote transparency among private entities;

4. prevention of the misuse of procedures regulating private entities;

5. implementation of internal audits to private companies.

Accounting Standards

Art. 14.. Accounting and auditing standards-used in the private sector must help to prevent corruption by prohibiting:

1. the establishment of off-books;

2 operations off the books or inadequately identified;

3. recording of non-existent expenditures or liabilities whose object is not properly identified;

4. the use of false documents;

5. the intentional destruction of bookkeeping documents before the end of time under the laws and regulations.

The participation of civil society

Art. 15.. The participation of civil society in the prevention and the fight against corruption is encouraged through:

. transparency of decision-making and promoting the participation of citizens in governance;

. teaching, education and awareness on the dangers of corruption for society;

. effective access of the media and the public to information on corruption subject to the protection of private life, honor, dignity and requirements of national security, public order as well as impartiality of justice.

Measures to prevent

money laundering

Art. 16.. To strengthen the fight against corruption, banks, nonbank financial institutions, including natural or legal persons that provide formal or informal services for the transmission of money or value, are subject, according to the laws and regulations in force, an internal control regime to deter and detect all forms of money laundering.




The institution of the organ of prevention

and fight against corruption

Art. 17.. For carrying .uvre of the national strategy on corruption, there shall be a

body responsible for the prevention and fight against corruption.

The legal regime of the organ

Art. 18.. The body is an independent administrative authority with legal personality and financial autonomy, placed under the President of the Republic.

The composition, the organization and the organ functioning are established through


The autonomy of the organ

Art. 19.. The autonomy of the body is guaranteed in particular by taking the following measures:

1. sworn members and officials of the organ authorized to access personal data and, in general, any confidential information before installation in office.

The oath is fixed by regulation.

2. Staffing the organ in human and material resources necessary to carry out these missions;

3 ° adequate training and high-level personnel within the body;

4 ° security and protection of members and officials of the body against any form of pressure or intimidation, threats, contempt, insults or attacks of any kind which they may be subject during or the opportunity to exercise their missions.

Organ of the missions

Art. 20. The body is responsible include:

1. To propose a comprehensive policy for preventing corruption dedicating state principles of law and reflecting the integrity, transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs and public property;

2 ° to provide advice on the prevention of corruption to any person or public or private organization and recommend measures, including legislative and regulatory issues, prevention of corruption as well as to cooperate with public and private sectors in the development of rules of conduct;

3. Develop programs for the education and awareness of citizens about the harmful effects of corruption;

4. To collect, centralize and exploit any information that can be used to detect and prevent

acts of corruption, including search in legislation, regulations, procedures and administrative practices, corruption factors in order to provide recommendations to eliminate them;

5. Periodically assess the legal instruments and administrative measures in this area to determine their effectiveness in the field of prevention and fight against corruption;

6. To collect, periodically and subject to Article 6 (paragraphs 1 and 3) above, asset declarations of public officials, to examine and use the information they contain and to ensure their preservation;

7. In use the prosecution to collect evidence and to conduct investigations into corruption;

8. Ensure the coordination and monitoring of activities and actions taken on the ground based on regular and periodic reports with statistics and analyzes relating to the field of prevention and fight against corruption as he targeted sectors and stakeholders;

9 ° To ensure better intersectoral coordination and development of cooperation with entities in the fight against corruption, both at national and international levels;

10 ° To create any research activity and evaluation of the actions undertaken in the field of prevention and fight against corruption.

Communication documents

and information to the organ

Art. 21.. As part of the exercise of missionsvisées in section 20 above, the member can request administrations, institutions and public or private organizations or any natural or legal person to provide any document or information it deems for the detection of corruption.

The deliberate and unjustified refusal to communicate to the body of the information and / or documents required is an offense of obstructing justice in the sense of this Act.

The relationship of the body with the legal authority

Art. 22.. When the body finds that the facts may constitute a violation of criminal law, the matter is referred to the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, who seized the competent public prosecutor for the purpose of setting in motion the prosecution, the optionally.

Professional secrecy

Art. 23.. All members and officials of the body, even after cessation of activity, are obliged to maintain professional secrecy.

Any violation of the obligation referred to in the previous paragraph is an offense punishable by the same penalties

under the Penal Code for the disclosure of confidential information.

The presentation of the annual report

Art. 24.. The organ address to the President of the Republic an annual report evaluating the activities related to the prevention and the fight against corruption, shortcomings in this area and the proposed recommendations, if any.




bribery of public officials

Art. 25.. A penalty of imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA:

1. The promise of offering or giving to a public official, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage, either for himself or for another person or entity, for him or refraining from acting in the exercise of its functions;

2. The fact that a public official to solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage, for himself or for another person or entity, so that he or refrain from doing act relating to his duties.

Unjustified advantages in public procurement.

Art. 26.. A penalty of imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA:

1. Any public officer who goes aims or revises a contract, an agreement, a contract or an amendment in violation of laws and regulations in force in order to provide others an unfair advantage;

2. Any trader, manufacturer, artisan, private contractor, or in general, any natural or legal person that passes, even occasionally, contract, or a contract with the state, local authorities, institutions or organizations public law, public economic enterprises and public industrial and commercial, building on the authority or influence of agents of these bodies to increase the prices they normally practice and usually or change, their advantage, the quality of commodities or services or delivery or supply.

Corruption in public procurement

Art. 27. Is punished with imprisonment of ten (10) to twenty (20) years and a fine of 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 DA DA any public official who, during the preparation, negotiation of the conclusion or performance of a contract, agreement or endorsement concludes on behalf of the State or local authorities or public administrative institutions or

public industrial and commercial or economic public companies, collects or attempts to collect, directly or indirectly, to himself or to a third party, remuneration or benefit of any kind whatsoever.

Bribery of foreign public officials

and officials of organizations

public international

Art. 28. A penalty of imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA:

1. The promise, offering or giving to a foreign public official or an official of a public international organization, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage, for himself or for another person or entity, for doing or forbearing to do

acting in the exercise of its functions, in order to obtain or retain business or other improper advantage in relation to international trade or other.

2. The fact that a foreign public official or an official of a public international organization to solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage, for himself or for another person or entity to performing or forbearing to do an act relating to his duties.

Subtraction or illegal use of property

by a public official

Art. 29. A penalty of imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 Da, any public official, which subtracts, destroyed, dissipated or retains knowingly and improperly in his benefit or the benefit of another person or entity, any property, money or securities, public or private, or anything of value that were given to him either under or by reason of his duties.

The concussion

Art. thirty. . Is guilty of extortion and sentenced to imprisonment for two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA, any public official who solicits, receives, demands or orders to collect it he knows is not due or exceed what is due either to himself or to the administration or to the parties for which it collects.

Exemptions and illegal franchises

Art. 31.. Is punished by imprisonment of five (5) to ten (10) years and a fine of 500,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA, any public official who will, in any form whatsoever and for any reason , without authorization by law, granted or ordered to levy exemptions and franchise fees, taxes or state taxes, or made free products issuing of state institutions.

Influence peddling

Art. 32.. Is punished with imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA:

1. The promise, offering or giving to a public official or any other person, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage to the said agent or the person abuse his real or supposed influence with a view to obtaining from an administration or public authority an undue advantage for the original instigator of the act or for any other person.

2. The fact that a public official or any other person for soliciting or accepting, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage for himself or for another person to abuse his real or supposed influence with a view to obtaining from an administration or public authority an undue advantage.

Abuse of functions

Art. 33.. Is punished with imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA, the fact that a public official intentionally abusing office or position by performing or failing to perform in the exercise of his functions, act in violation of laws and regulations in order to obtain an undue advantage for himself or for another person or entity.

Conflict of interest

Art. 34.. Failure by the public official of Article 9 of this Act is punishable by imprisonment of six (6) months to two (2) years and a fine of 50,000 DA to 200,000 DA.

The illegal interest

Art. 35. A penalty of imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA, any public official who, directly or through other persons or by simulated act , will be taken, received or retained any interest whatsoever in the acts, auctions, tenders, companies which he had at the time of the act in whole or part, administration or supervision or who, having mission or schedule the payment to the settlement of a case, there will have taken an interest.

The defect or the false declaration of assets

Art. 36. A penalty of imprisonment for six (6) months to five (5) years and a fine of 50,000 DA to 500.000 DA, any public official, legally subject to a declaration of assets, which two (2 ) months after a recall by legal means, knowingly, will not make a statement of its assets, or has made an incomplete, inaccurate or false, or made false observations that will deliberately or knowingly violated the obligations imposed by the law.

illicit enrichment

Art. 37. A penalty of imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 DA DA, any public official who can not reasonably justify a substantial increase of its heritage over his legitimate income.

The same penalty enacted for the concealment provided by this Act, any person who knowingly contributed by any means whatsoever to conceal the illicit origin of the property referred to in the preceding paragraph.

The illicit enrichment, referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, is a continuous infringement characterized by the detention of illegal goods or their jobs directly or indirectly.


Art. 38. A penalty of imprisonment for six (6) months to two (2) years and a fine of 50,000 DA to 200.000 DA, the fact by a public official to accept a person a gift or advantage undue likely to influence the treatment of a process or transaction related to its functions.

The donor is the same penalties referred to in the preceding paragraph.

The secret funding of political parties

Art. 39. Without prejudice to the criminal provisions relating to the financing of political parties, any occult operation to finance a political party is punishable by imprisonment of two (2) to ten (10) years and a fine of DA DA 200,000 to 1,000,000.

Corruption in the private sector

Art. 40.. A penalty of imprisonment for six (6) months to five (5) years and a fine of 50,000 to 500,000 DA DA:

1. The promise, offering or giving, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage to any person who directs a private sector entity or work for such an entity in any capacity whatsoever for itself or for another person to act or refrain from acting in breach of his duties;

2. the fact that a person who runs a private sector entity or work for such an entity in any capacity whatsoever, solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage, for himself or louse

(Abstract: The law was adopted in 1966, which sets specific section to stipulate corruption crimes, relating to who will be committing corruption, the forms of corruption and how to punish the perpetrators. The law also has provisions for regulating the abusing of power.)

Section II

Corruption and influence peddling

Art. 126. - is guilty of corruption and sentenced to imprisonment for two to ten years and a fine of 500 to 5000 AD who solicits or approved offers or promises, solicit or receive donations, presents or other benefits for:

1. As magistrate, public official or being invested of an elective office, perform or abstain from performing an act of his

function, fair or not, but not about compensation or an act which, while outside his personal reference, is or has been facilitated by its function;

2. Being arbitrator or expert appointed either by the administrative or judicial authority or by the parties, make a decision or give a favorable or unfavorable opinion;

3. As magistrate, assessor or juror member of a fine

a jurisdiction to decide either in favor or to the detriment of a party;

4. Being a physician, surgeon, dentist, midwife certifying false or conceal the existence of disease or infirmity or a pregnancy or providing false information on the source of an illness or disability or because of 'a death.

Art. 127. - is guilty of corruption and punished with imprisonment of one to five years and a fine of 500 to 5000 AD, a clerk, or employee préposésalarié or paid in any form, which, either directly or by intermediary, has, unknown and without the consent of his employer, either solicited or approved offers or promises, or solicited or

received donations, presents, commissions, discounts or bonuses for doing or forbearing to do an act of employment, or an act which, while outside his personal powers is, or has been facilitated by its use.

Art. 128. - is guilty of influence peddling and punished with imprisonment of one to five years and a fine of 500 to 5,000

DA anyone who solicits or approved offers or promises, solicit or receive donations, presents or other benefits, to obtain or attempt to obtain decorations, medals, honors or awards, squares, positions or employment or any favors granted by

the public authority market, businesses or other benefits resulting from treaties concluded with the public authority or with an operation placed under the control of public authority or, in general, a favorable decision of such authority or administration, and and abuse of a real or supposed influence.

If the culprit is a magistrate, public official or invested

an electoral mandate, the penalties are doubled.

Art. 129. - Any person who, for either the performance or omission of an act, either favors or benefits under sections 126 to 128, has used violence or threats, promises, offers, gifts or presents or other benefits, or transferred to stresses tending to corruption, even if it has not taken the initiative, is that coercion or corruption or without its effect, same penalties as those of said articles against the corrupt person.

Art. 130. - In case of corruption or influence peddling is to the performance of an act deemed a crime by law, the penalty punishing the crime is applicable to guilty of corruption or influence peddling.

Art. 131. - When the corruption of a judge, a juror assessor or member of a jurisdiction has resulted to pronounce a criminal sentence against an accused, the penalty applies to the guilty of corruption.

Art. 132. - Any judge or administrator who decides to favor one party or enmity against it, is punished with imprisonment of six months to three years and a fine of 500 to 1000 AD.

Art. 133. - It is never made restitution to the corrupting of the things he delivered or value; they must be confiscated and declared forfeit to the Treasury by the judgment.

Art. 134. - If, under any section of this section, a misdemeanor is only incurred, the culprit may also be hit for at least one year and up to five years, the ban one or more of the rights mentioned in Article 14 of this code.

Section III

Abuse of authority

Abuse of authority against individuals

Art. 135. - Any official of the administrative or judicial order, any police officer, any officer or commander of the police force, which acting in their capacities as such enters the home of a citizen against the will of celui- one, except as provided by law, and without the formalities prescribed by it, shall be punished with imprisonment of two months to one year and a fine of 500 to 3000 AD, without prejudice to the application Article 107 paragraph 2.

Art. 136. - Any judge, any director who, under any pretext whatsoever, denies making justice that should the parties, after having been required, and who perseveres in his denial, after warning or instruction of his superiors, can be prosecuted and punished by a fine of 750-3000 DA, the prohibition of exercise of public functions from five to twenty years.

Art. 137. - Any public official or agent of the state, every employee or agent of the postal service that opens, misappropriates or destroys letters entrusted to the postal or for easy opening, diversion or removal, is punished with imprisonment of three months to five years and a fine of 500 to 1000 AD. Is punished with the same penalty, every employee or agent of the telegraph service which diverts or removes a telegram or disclose the contents. The culprit is also banned from all public office or employment for five to ten years.

Abuse of authority against the State

Art. 138. - Any judge or official who requires or orders that require or direct the action or the use of public force against the enforcement of a law or against the levy of a contribution to law or against the execution is an order or arrest warrant or other order emanated from the legitimate authority; is punished with imprisonment of one to five years.

Art. 139. - The culprit may be further hit for five to ten years moinset over the ban of one or more of the rights mentioned in Article 14; it can also be struck by the prohibition to exercise any functions or any public office for ten years.

Art. 140. - If orders or requisitions were the direct cause of crime is qualified by law, the penalty punishing the crime is applicable to guilty of abuse of authority.

Section IV

Exercise of illegally withholding public authority or prolonged

Art. 141. - Any magistrate or public official who enters into exercise its functions without having sworn by his act, the oath required, may be prosecuted and fined from 500 to 1000 AD.

Art. 142. Any judge, public official dismissed, dismissed, suspended or prohibited by law which, after receiving official notice of the decision concerning, continues the line of duty, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years and a fine of 500 to 2000 AD. Is punished with the same penalty any elective or temporary public officer who continues to hold office after legal separation.

Revised Constitution adopted by referendum on 28 November 1996

The Constitutional Council
9, Abu Nuwas Street - Hydra - Algiers

Article 8 - The People set up institutions having as objectives:

¨ backup and consolidation of national 1'indépendance,

¨ backup and consolidation of identity and national unity,

¨ the protection of fundamental liberties of the citizen and the social and cultural progress of the Nation,

¨ the abolition of the exploitation of man by man,

¨ The protection of the national economy against any form of embezzlement or misappropriation, illegitimate monopolizing or seizure.

Article 22 - Power abuse is punishable by law.

Article 150 - The law protects the justiciable against any abuse or deviation the judge.

(Adopted on: 19 Nov 1976, Amended on: 28 Nov 1996, ICL Document Status: 28 Nov 1996)

Article 8
The People set up institutions having as objectives:
– the safeguard and consolidation of the national independence;
– the safeguard and consolidation of the national identity and unity;
– the protection of fundamental liberties of the citizen and the social and cultural progress of the Nation;
– the suppression of the exploitation of man by man;
– the protection of the national economy from any form of embezzlement or misappropriation, illegitimate monopolizing or seizure.
Article 22
Power abuse is repressed by the law.
Article 150
The law protects the justiciable against any abuse or deviation the judge.

Algeria – Know Your Customer (KYC) Rules

The role of black money or the extent of money laundering in Algeria is insignificant due to strict laws governing exchange regulations. Most of the economy is cash-based and old-banking-system is mostly comprised of public banks. There are restrictions regarding convertibility of Algerian dinar. Central Bank monitors all international financial transactions and operations carried out by public and private banks.

Country is also inflicted with criminal activities including, drug trafficking, arms dealing, auto-theft, kidnapping for ransom, extortion, and financial frauds. Corruption in public department is a serious concern, so is the terrorism.

Our risk factors for financial corruption include alternative remittances resources, and illegal currency exchange program, tax evasion, commercial invoice fraud, and real estate dealings.

Al-Qaeda network which originated in Algeria is currently confined to outskirts but with a history of terrorism and other terror-related incidents make the country vulnerable.


Enhanced due diligence procedures for PEPs:

PEP is an abbreviation for Politically Exposed Person, a term that describes a person who has been entrusted with a prominent public function, or an individual who is closely related to such a person. The terms PEP, Politically Exposed Person and Senior Foreign Political Figure are often used interchangeably

Foreign PEP: YES
Domestic PEP: NO

Algeria – KYC covered entities

The following is a list of Know Your Customer entities covered by Algerian Law:

Financial leasing institutions
Investment and shareholding companies

Algeria – Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR) Requirements:

Number of STRs received and time frame: 1,373 in 2012
The following is a list of STR covered entities covered by Algerian Law:
Financial leasing institutions
Investment and shareholding companies
Real estate agents
Car dealers
Other financial professionals who advise or carry out transactions, such as deposits, exchanges, or other movements of capital
Algeria is a member of the Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENAFATF), a Financial Action Task Force-style regional body.


Government of Algeria, in 2012, enforced a set of policies intended to offset the impact of informal sector and stimulate businessmen to validate their transactions and activities, and enhance the revenue.

New laws enacted extended the scope of KYC responsibilities to all financial institutes and expand the list of experts who are required to report any suspicious activity include real-estate agents, car-dealers, and financial gurus who advise or carry out transactions, such as deposits, exchanges, and other activities involving capital.

With the help of new law, Government is able to freeze and / or seize assets belonging to any terror-related groups – with extendable period of time. However the administrative process lined with this new law execution is in ambiguity, on the other hand judiciary process regarding this law does not appear to be in conformity with international standards.

The government is required to formulate implementing regulations where needed, and continue to work addressing the other shortages and lacunas in its anti-money laundering and terror-financing laws.

As per statement of Algerian Financial Intelligence Cell (CTRF), the Government in in process of spelling out a legislation that would criminalize terror-financing even where this found as unconnected to terror-acts, but the legislation is hit by a delay due to medical conditions of President.

Keeping the Algerian informal economy in mind, new efforts are needed to identify value transfer system which is not covered by Algeria’s legal and regulatory boundaries.


Sovereign risk

The sovereign rating is supported by the Algerian government’s low level of debt and sizeable stabilisation fund. However, heavy reliance on a single revenue sourceoil and gas exportsand continued expansionary budgets amid falling oil prices weigh on the rating.

Banking sector risk

The banking system is comparatively uncomplicated, and its lack of connection with international capital flows will insulate it from volatility in 2015-16. However, an expansion of consumer credit, if not accompanied by a commensurate increase in credit risk assessment, could raise doubts about the sector’s asset quality. The net foreign asset position of local banks deteriorated significantly in 2013-14.

Political risk

We expect Abdelaziz Bouteflika to stay in power in the short term. Nevertheless, risks to this projection arises from fears about his ability to serve a full term and doubts about who will come after him, as well as popular opposition to him and his allies. A major turmoil is unlikely, however, given some channels for political representation and the memory of civil war in the 1990s. The threat to security from militant Islamism will also persist in 2015‘16.

Economic structure risk

The economy will be obliged to the performance of the government and, thus, the oil and gas sector. Despite repeated efforts to expand into other sectors such as mining and automotive production, progress is at snail pace. Heavy reliance on the euro zone as a destination for exports remains a risk.

Travel Risk


It would be risk to travel to Algeria these days however decision would be your responsibility.

Increased threat of attacks and kidnappings

On 24 September 2014, a French national was kidnapped and murdered in Tizi Ouzou province by a group claiming allegiance to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). On April 19, 2014, an attack by militants against the Algerian army in Tizi Ouzou left 11 soldiers dead. On January 16, 2013, terrorists attacked a Western oil operation in the region of In Amenas in the Sahara desert in order to take foreigners hostage. An estimated 37 hostages were killed in the attack. Canadian companies who are operating in remote areas of the wilayas of Adrar, Béjaïa, Bouïra, Boumerdès, El Oued, Illizi, Ouargla, Tamanrasset, Tébessa, Tindouf, and Tizi Ouzou should advise their employees to register with our Registration of Canadians Abroad service and closely follow the messages of the Embassy of Canada in Algeria.

Travel outside major urban centres in Algeria (see Advisory)

The security situation remains unpredictable. The threat of terrorism-related violence, including the use of improvised explosive devices, banditry, and kidnapping is high in the Kabylie region. Banditry and kidnappings have also taken place in outlying areas of Algeria. Terrorism-related incidentsand counter-insurgency operations occur regularly in the East and South of the country particularly in border areas..

While Algerian security forces are the primary target in most terrorist attacks, some attacks have resulted in the death or injury of civilians. Monitor developments and follow the advice of local authorities.


Algerian authorities have succeeded in controlling, but not eliminating, terrorism-related violence over the last decade. Terrorism-related incidents, causing deaths and injuries, occur regularly, particularly in the Kabylie region southeast of Algiers, but also elsewhere in the north of the country. Algerian security forces are usually the primary target; however, other interests have also been targeted.

The security situation continues to be unstable, and a number of planned incidents have been thwarted by authorities. While urban centres are reported to be more secure than heavily wooded and mountainous rural areas, there is a risk of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

On September 21, 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) released a statement threatening retaliation for the American -led coalition campaign against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. The statement encouraged opportunistic and indiscriminate attacks against citizens and interests of countries supporting the coalition, including Canadians. Individuals and terrorist groups in the region may be inspired to carry out attacks in a show of solidarity with ISIL. Canadians could also be targeted by a terrorist attack and be considered kidnapping targets.

Exercise a high degree of personal security awareness, maintain a heightened level of vigilance, remain aware of your surroundings, monitor news reports, follow the advice of local authorities and remain in contact with the Embassy of Canada in Algiers.

Women’s Safety

Women travelling alone may be subject to certain forms of harassment and verbal abuse. Consult our publication entitled Her Own Way: A Woman’s Safe-Travel Guide for travel safety information specifically aimed at Canadian women.


Road conditions can be poor outside of Algiers and signposts are rare. Rent a car with a driver rather than driving yourself. Traffic can be very congested, especially in large urban centres, and speeding and poor driving habits are prevalent. Traffic-related accidents have injured and killed a large number of people.

Lock all belongings in the trunk and keep doors locked at all times. Park your car in a guarded parking lot.

Checkpoints are set up on the main roads heading into and out of larger cities as well as throughout Algiers.

Random terrorist or bandit roadblocks mean that all travellers, including foreigners, in rural Algeria are at risk of injury, robbery, kidnapping or murder. Be extremely vigilant at roadblocks and stop only for police in official uniforms.

Public Transportation

Avoid using public transportation, including taxis, between the airport and the city center, especially after dark. Make arrangements in advance to be picked up and dropped off at the airport by your hosts or by hotel shuttles.

Avoid buses and trains completely as driving is generally hazardous and both have been targeted by terrorists and bandits.

See Transportation Safety in order to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.

Desert Travel

Use a reliable tour operator, escorted by a professional guide, and obtain approval from the Algerian authorities if you are planning on travelling to the Sahara despite the warning that is in effect (see Advisory).

In the Sahara, the extreme climate, the lack of water and infrastructure, and the visibility of Algeria’s petroleum and gas industry (which is well guarded by both the Algerian military and private security services) create a different security environment. Tours organized by reputable tour operators in the region are considered safer; however, the danger for the groups being embattled by terrorists and criminals are always there.

General safety information

Remain alert at all times. You should be briefed on hotel security measures on arrival. Retain your hotel key at all times.

Limit travel on foot, especially at night.

Security forces are present throughout the country on roads, at the airport, and in front of government buildings. Fully cooperate with security personnel at all times.

Address Format



Said Mohamed
172, rue Hassiba Benbouali
16015 Algier

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