Recruiting in Bitrix24

The Bitrix24 human resources information system can also be used for recruiting.

Career Opportunities

An internal job board lists current company vacancies and keeps all employees informed about professional and career growth opportunities available in your company.

A resume database contains detailed records for anyone who has ever applied to work at your company and provides easy access to applicants contact information whenever necessary.


Interview scheduling and meeting room booking allows you to invite multiple candidates to an interview and reserve a room for the occasion. Naturally, Bitrix24 provides all the necessary tools for applicant pre-screening and for posting interview notes to be shared among all parties involved. Polls and surveys can be used for rating applicants too.

Hiring Teams

Workgroups in Bitrix24 can be used by hiring teams to finalize job descriptions, assign reviewers, create custom workflows, communicate with other members of the hiring team and store all data (reviewer comments, interview notes, resumes or CVs, completed applications, applicant portfolios, interview schedules, letters of recommendation) conveniently in one spot with easy access for all team members.

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