Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
The background check reports are like a character certificate for an individual or an organization. It is on the basis of this report that your employees, employers, vendors, partners, customers and other business associates will judge you and decide whether they wish to deal with you or not. Therefore, if your report shows any information which is false and affects your image negatively, you need to get the same corrected ASAP. Background Check Group helps its clients in challenging these discrepancies for free. By hiring the services of Background Check Group, you will be able to engage the services of highly trained and completely professional individuals, who will ensure that your problem is dealt with in the most efficient manner and proper corrective action is taken immediately.
The maximum time that Background Check Group requires for getting the discrepancies removed from your report is 30 days. Based on the gravity of the mistake, the time frame can vary, but they try to ensure that no matter how serious the problem is, the same gets corrected within 30 days. However, in order to speed up this process of correction, Background Check Group requires certain information from the clients. The clients are provided with a form, which they are supposed to fill completely and correctly with accurate information. The steps that need to be taken for the correction process to start and work are as follows:
Background Check Group has a fully trained staff, which will ensure that the investigation about the discrepancy in your background check report is conducted with the highest standards and accurate results are delivered to you in the shortest possible time. Besides this, Background Check Group’s staff will also help you in identifying the information or reports which you should dispute in order to get a better and more accurate report.