If you are looking for ways to boost your business, then you have come to the right place. Background Check Group is one of the leading workday service providers in Pakistan as well as many other countries. It is our sole aim to help you get workday integration and implementation done within the organization.

Effective Human Capital Management

We work with you in close collaboration to ensure that your business projects are customized and organizational goals are met effectively. Background Check group have a proven track record of delivering on our promises. We will fulfill your expectations to the last mile. At the same time, being workday developers in Pakistan, your organization’s confidentiality is of utmost priority for us. All your details and data are kept highly confidential. We work with a lot of transparency so that you are aware of all the business dealings and processes. We strive towards making your experience with us worth your time, money and effort. Our aim is to keep our business relation ethical and healthy in all ways possible.



Making the organizations use smart cloud technology, experienced IT/ HR team, and workday support services for easy and effective business processes. We work in close association with our clients to help them achieve high competitiveness through highly optimized processes, developed structure, and a hi-tech system support.



Our underlying values make us come out with the best in quality services and products. We strive towards mastering the data, working on well-organized software and implementing it in the most effective way.



HR management being vital to any organization, it requires technology support to come out with effective and better results. Our hi-tech Workday Cloud solutions are a step towards helping the organization’s HR departments work more proficiently and commendably.



We believe in providing superior quality when it comes about software along with the implementation of it. Our approach of perfection leads to master the data, completely tracing down the candidate which boost the standards as well as make lives easier of the complete hierarchy of the organization.

Effective Human Capital Management

Collaborative. Mobile. In Real Time


Our vast experience and expertise has helped us in working out a customized version of workday cloud solution. Our expert team will help you understand the process better, help you overcome any hindrances that you may face and reach your goals in time. We have a bouquet of services ranging from new user integration to existing users services. We have a commitment towards your prosperity and success in the best possible way.

Process Design

Our process follows a streamlined flow from planning to execution. We have an expert team that will guide you to get the best possible HR services and will also help you in the implementation of the best practices. The team also ensures that the process followed takes the minimum possible time and get to the set targets as early as possible.


Our HR cloud software uses iterative project approach so that all the stakeholders are connected to each other right at the initial stage itself. This also helps in understanding the technical details, implications, and the benefits for your organization. We aim towards familiarizing you with the system, process, and the organization completely.


There are multiple services that come in along with the implementation of the software. These services include inbound as well as outbound data migration, payroll, integration of smart add-ons, applicant tracking etc. We try to fill in all the lacunas that exist within your application and other systems.


Background Check Group have an expert team that helps in imparting communication skills for a complete change management, which may be a key element to Workday in Pakistan especially.


The changing times of the corporate world have made the world smaller. It is the technology that stands paramount amongst the swarm of human beings. Technology brings people together in spite of their location differences, and enables them to work together towards a common goal.


HCM solution is customized and adapted for cloud integrated software. It helps in quick and fast decision making by HR of an organization. This system will help you in building an effective team all the changes can also be easily managed on the system.


Workday is one of the most reliable & safe platforms to follow. The HR management in Workday ensures that there is perfect & timely collaboration. It works exactly how a real time employee would work. It can be tailor made for different organizations like GSK, Abbott or Telenor workday.



Countries Template Customization


Workday Integration


Countries on-the-ground Support


Percent All Projects Completed with in SLA
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