Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
We offer statewide a speedy, swift and handy service to check the criminal background of anyone in Ohio. Our service carries out a thorough search through databases for any possible criminal record encompassing from felony to forgery and from abduction to assault.
A total of 35,050 Part 1 crimes were reported in major Ohio cities during the third quarter of 2015. This represents an 8.8 % decrease from the 38,424 Part 1 crimes reported during the third quarter of 2014.
The 5,791 violent crimes reported in the third quarter of 2015 represent a 2.8% increase from the 5,633 violent crimes reported in the third quarter of 2014. The 29,259 property crimes reported in the third quarter of 2015 represent a 10.8% decrease from the 32,791 property crimes reported in the third quarter of 2014. Cincinnati was the only city to report an increase in property crime from the third quarter of 2014 to the third quarter of 2015.
According to the UCR Program, violent crimes are offenses that involve force or the threat of force. Four different offenses are categorized as violent crimes: murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. The manufacturing and financial activities sectors each compose 18.3% of Ohio's GDP, making them Ohio's largest industries by percentage of GDP.