Background Check Group
+6531 290 390
Background Check Group
Global Reach Local Insight Headquartered in Singapore serve clients in more than 200 countries
We offer statewide a speedy, swift and handy service to check the criminal background of anyone in Maine. Our service carries out a thorough search through databases for any possible criminal record encompassing from felony to forgery and from abduction to assault.
Augusta: With its population of just under 19,000 residents, Augusta had a total of 1,206 property crimes in 2013, giving it the most per person in the state. This, plus its 68 violent crimes (including one murder, 25 rapes, 16 robberies, and 26 assaults) gave Augusta the highest number of crimes per person in the state. Residents had just a 1 in 15 chance of being the victim of a crime.
Biddeford: With a total of 119 violent crimes for its population of just 21,324, Biddeford had the most violent crimes per person in the state. On top of that, Biddeford had 1,139 property crimes, which was the fourth highest per person in the category, all adding up to a total of 1,258 crimes for the year. With this high total number of crimes, residents had just a 1 in 17 chance of being the victim of a crime in 2013.
Waterville: Waterville ranked high in our analysis for its overall number of crimes. It had a total of 847 in 2013, and with its population of just under 16,000 residents, this meant it had the fifth most crimes per person. These included 804 property crimes (the fifth most per person) and 43 violent crimes (the fourth most per person). And while these violent crimes did include 13 robberies, 15 rapes, and 15 aggravated assaults, there were no reported murders.